chicken juice 2.0 | Teen Ink

chicken juice 2.0

April 18, 2013
By reece vergin BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
reece vergin BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hello, ladies and gentlemen; the story you are about to read is based on a true story and has been changed from its original plot for entertainment purposes. Before I start the story, I would like to inform you about what chicken juice really is. Chicken juice is a slow-moving juice with such a potent smell that it could carry a man’s lunch from his stomach to the pavement right where he stands. The original story was written back in 2011 during eighth grade; it will always be a story to remember to those who witnessed the Chicken Juice. Now let’s start the story.
The year was 2047; the United States of America fell due to self-imploding democracy, thanks to the corruption and lies from our leaders. At first only Alaska, Hawaii, and Texas broke away from the United States during 2019. Texas joined Mexico now known as the Republic States of the United Mexico; (formerly known as RSU Mexico). Later, as the prosper and growth from these three states separated, other states followed; some revolted. This caused the Greatest Civil War of All Time in 2028. This war brought about new countries and many deaths from nuclear warheads. Some states like Louisiana and South Carolina are gone as if they were never there, and others are wastelands. After the war in 2028, the United Nations, now held in Quebec, Canada, agreed upon eliminating every type of nuclear war device around the world after seeing such devastation from The Greatest Civil War of All Time. The war left country’s to fend for themselves, such as Democracy of Minnesota, North and South Chicago, Great Iowa, and even Democratic Republic of Michigan. There were a few more former states that took control over other states, like New York took New Jersey; the countries name is now just New. California took New Mexico, but it is struggling with RSU Mexico for its land. As of now, the greatest threat is Wisconsin due to its vigilante plot to take all of the former states and even more. The thought of these states reuniting is not so distant; there is a small gathering of people from all over the former states striving for this goal, and they are known as the Blue Coats. With the threat of Wisconsin pressuring each of the countries that if they sign alliances with any former state it’s an act of war against the Great and Powerful Wisconsin, and they will act on a moments noticed with no mercy. Now you may want to know how Wisconsin became so powerful. It all came from a few boys outside enjoying the wilderness. They found a chicken that had been sitting out on the road for days. One of the bravest boys was courageous enough to mount the spoiled chicken on a stick. As the boy raised the chicken on a stick in a celebration of victory, a strange glowing juice rolled down the shaft of his arm and onto the boy's hand. The boy foolishly sniffed his hand and instantly hurled up what was in his stomach. Yet these boys did not know what was to come from this discovery. A few years later during the war; a scientist for Wisconsin discovered a report written by one of the boys at an abandoned middle school, in what was formerly known as Amery. The scientist was intrigued by the effects of the aged chicken on the boy. He hoped to create a weapon that could help its newly formed country win the war. The scientist suggested this idea for funding, but was shot down by the Lovernor, (the governor that now leads Wisconsin) the reason the Lovernor did not want to spend money on an unknown result. He already had nuclear warheads that would work. Frustrated with the response of the Lovernor he continued his research in his own private studies. The scientist found out that he could rapidly increase the rotting process by encasing the chicken in radioactive materials. He now knew that he could age it fast but he needed to improve the lethalness from the juice it lactates from the skin. It would take the scientist many years to figure out that injecting sulfur into the chicken would cause the juice to change into a new compound element called element X. Element X was then tested, it proved to be harmless in a liquid state but once rapidly heated into gas its effect was tremendous. The scientist then showed the Lovernor his new discovery. If any human skin was exposed to the gas or inhaled the gas, it would trigger a gag reflex causing them to throw up most of their internal organs killing them slowly and painfully. The Lovernor was intrigued with what the scientist had just shown him, being that the United Nations had just destroyed and banned the last of any nuclear devices. The new gas could be worse than nerve gas ever was. The Lovernor soon wanted to test his new weapons which encased the element X into bombs. Upon impact they would rapidly ignite into gas, spreading up to 60 miles from the impact zone. So he launched a raid on the Democracy of Minnesota. A few days later D.M surrendered, the reasoning being that they would lose the rest of their citizens to the bombs. That would become what was to be the start of what was to come. This is the reason that the Blue Coats needed to stop Wisconsin fast, before they took over anymore countries.
Today is the day gentlemen, I am going to need the best of the best here and a loss is not an option. We will be sending out a small task force of men through the most dangerous forests of Wisconsin. We cannot afford to be detected. You all know what happened when we tried the front door approach. This team will consist of Slaughter, Ringo, and you Pipe.
So what’s the plan coach?
The objective is to find Mr. Bernard, the creator of element X. Now let’s make this clear your job is to capture Mr. Bernard and bring him back to the base to see how we can break down element X.
But isn’t he located in the frozen forest of death? That would be suicide; it’s now negative 96 degrees there.
That’s why we need to strike now before winter arrives. We have modified your combat suits to withstand up to negative 120 degrees. Anything lower than that will cause the suits to freeze.

Will there be a rescue chopper waiting for us once we pick him up?
I’m afraid not. In Wisconsin, you’ll have to reach The Mississippi River where you will find an escort boat waiting for you.
How will we be arriving there sir?
You men will take to the sky. You will be dropped from a C-160 and land 30 klicks from your target.
What are we talking for transport?
This mission will be on foot. The risk is just too high of being spotted on radar.
Aww man this is jack.
Hey this is the reason I signed up for this.
Hey let’s not forget the real reason we are doing this.
That is true. Let us not forget that we are the force that has any hope left of bring our country back together.
Yea, you’re right. When do we leave?
Right now, and remember we have selected the three of you because you are the best of the best so let’s not try and disappoint.

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This article has 1 comment.

nedyac SILVER said...
on Aug. 27 2013 at 2:29 pm
nedyac SILVER, Hillsboro, North Dakota
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments
this was a wierd story and did not like it