MOOSE | Teen Ink


April 30, 2013
By m_con13 BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
m_con13 BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"never give up"

Once upon a time, there was a little yellow puppy named Moose. He was adopted by a loving family when he was only ten weeks old. They took him back home, which was all the way across the country. The family already had a dog back home named Maggie, and when Moose arrived, the two dogs did not get along that well at first. The reason that this cute puppy’s name was Moose, was because his paws were abnormally large! His paws were as big as Maggie’s, but she was eight years older. This family treated him well, and they had some good times. Anytime a family friend would visit, they would always notice his huge paws. As Moose grew older, he eventually learned how to sit, lie down, roll over, play dead, speak, shake, and was obviously potty trained. When he turned one year old, he began to question if he was actually a dog, considering his paws were always the biggest at the dog parks. He started to think about his funny name, and what it meant. Moose had never seen an actual moose before, and he wondered if they looked like him. One day, when his owner took him for a walk in the nearby forest, Moose spotted a strange creature to the left of them just staring them down. Moose looked into his eyes, and felt his whole life flash before him. At this moment, his owner jokingly said, “Look Moose, your father!” Moose didn’t know what he meant by this. He’s never met his father before, could this possibly be him? Moose started thinking hard on this subject, is that creature a moose!? He quickly bit off his leash and ran toward this monstrosity of a mammal barking in a tone where any animal could understand him. “Dad, is that you? Are you a moose? My name is Moose! Are you my father? What are you?”

The mysterious thing started running away, but Moose wouldn’t give up, he’d get to the bottom of this no matter how long it would take him. With his owner gaining on him, he sped up to just one foot short of his target. They went through the brush, along the tree line, over the winding rivers, under a wooden bridge. It just seemed like this insane journey could never possibly end! After all three runners became exhausted, they all stopped at a stand-still. Just when the race came to a halt, Moose took a running jump onto his so called ‘dad’. The dog was so tired after flattening this confused creature, he passed out. Later that night, Moose woke up on his doggie bed at home. He over-heard his owners talking about tonight’s debacle. “So we get into this forest, and we see something behind a tree. It comes around the tree towards us, and it turns out to be some hobo wearing a shirt that says ‘your father’. Since I wasn’t with anyone else to talk to I said ‘Look Moose, your father’, and then he took off like a mad dog!” Moose finished listening to the conversation then slept through the rest of the night. Maybe Moose just was a name….or was it??

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