10 Years Gone Wrong | Teen Ink

10 Years Gone Wrong

May 16, 2013
By matthewkmullen BRONZE, Holbrook, Massachusetts
matthewkmullen BRONZE, Holbrook, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

He feels the cool wind on his face. His name is Josh. Josh is 8 years old and is ambitious. “Honey come down from there it’s time for lunch”, says Truth, Joshes mother. She is in her mid-30s just like Alexander, and father of Josh. Rite now they are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They go on this trip for summer every year. He comes down of the rail and goes to the front of the boat. His hand drags against the ice cold railing, but it feels good because it is so hot. The sun blinds him and cannot see, but what he hears next answers what is happening. It’s the sound of his mother screaming. He runs to her as fast as he can he sees why she is screaming.
“AAHHHHHHHH,” he screams. It has been 10 years sense that horrific day. He soaks in a puddle of sweat.
“I’m no longer there, it’s all over,” he reminds himself. He turns on the TV to take his mind off the dream.

He is in a lab. He is here for them to study how he survived that long. The only reason he agreed to this was the man who is standing there now. He is a tall serous faced African American man in expensive soot. He is an old friend of Josh’s before “the accident”. He was the one that found him. This is because he searched every day sense.
“Jason!” josh screams while jumping nearly a mile high.
“Calm down, calm down,” he says in a serious voice.
“What, I go missing for 10 years! Are you not happy to see me?”
“No I am it’s just, just…….”

That’s when the TV blurts out, “this just in! Truth, mother of now 18 year Josh, and Alexander, father of Josh, are now pronounced dead,” Click. The TV shuts off
“I’m so sorry this isn’t how I wanted you to hear,” Jason says with a tear in his eye. Josh stumbles then sits on the coach with mind racing faster than a race horse. He stares beyond space.
“It…… its ok….. I just need a moment alone” he chokes on each word he says. And with that Jason was gone.

One Month Later
“Josh…. josh….. JOSH!” Jason screams.
“I’m rite here like you say calm down,” the smelly and hairy Josh says.
“Get in the shower, get dressed, and shave that face of yours,” Jason says.
“Do I ever tell you how nice you are,” says josh sarcastically. But josh does as he is told and comes out looking like a new man. They get in a blacked out car. Josh hasn’t been in a car or even outside for that matter. He is blinded by the light and goes back in time.

One year after the start of “the accident”
“The sun feels good I live it how it is always warm on this island…..great I finished another one what does this make, 11? Yep,” now 9 year old Josh. “Man when I get back to everyone I will have the best vocabulary everyone will be so impressed,” Josh says to himself. “I can’t believe mom found this place and that dad made a raft,” “Mom how exactly did you find this place.
“Well honey mommy is a very smart person and is one of the few that knows of this special little island,” Truth says in a comforting yet convincing voice.
“Is that why there are all those different plants, rocks, animals, and machines,”
“Yes, yes it is. Now remember what mommy told you,”
“Yep, never tell anybody about this island not even Jason,”
“That’s right. Good job baby,” And at that moment he goes back.

Present Time
They drive down to a new lab, “Why are we at a new lab and what is so special about this one,” Josh says
“This one has Truth and Alexander, they lied to you….your parents aren’t dead,” Jason eagerly replies. Josh runs and runs until he is in his parents’ arms. Jason walks into a room that monitors Josh.
“Has subject 0 fallen for the holograms,” at that time Jason turns into a mysterious man
“We believe he has Mr.’s,” a scientist replies.
“Good, good,” says the man that goes by Mr.’s.
“If I’m not intruding…where exactly has Truth and Alexander gone,” a curios scientist asks.
“They have been locked up and are far away from here,” says Mr.’s.
Josh thinks to himself, “Just as mom said they are coming for “The Secret”, and as she said they are even making fake ones of them,”

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