Imagination | Teen Ink


May 23, 2013
By Alex Finoguina SILVER, Prospect Heights, Illinois
Alex Finoguina SILVER, Prospect Heights, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world with and without imagination

Imagination awakens the mind; nonsense helps your brain flower and grow.
Without imagination the world would be black, white, and gray.
An empty pit of despair.
Imagination is where you can hide from your problems.
Without imagination you would be constantly chased with no where to go.
A dead end.
Imagination is where you have no limits.
Without imagination you would be stuck in the present.
The future a distant idea.
Imagination is where inventors, students, artists, and virtually everyone belongs.
Without imagination, how would people pioneer change?
People captured in a cage of thoughtlessness.
Imagination is where you can get what your heart desires.
Without imagination good luck chasing your dreams.
Embarking forward with no end idea in mind.

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