Teenagers Find Pot of Gold After Seeing Rainbow | Teen Ink

Teenagers Find Pot of Gold After Seeing Rainbow

May 23, 2013
By Christy Morrow BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Christy Morrow BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Brain and Jeff were basically joined at the hip
They rarely left each other’s side
Violently, they played their video games
While it down poured one April afternoon

Outside the wind shook the trees
The lightning and thunder acted like a tag team in a boxing match

Hours passed until the storm came to a halt
Brian and Jeff looked out the window
And to their astonishment saw an arch of colors in the distance
Simultaneously they both exclaimed, “Whoa….”

Rushing out the door
Skateboards in hand
Sweat ran down their face as they skated…
Past the police station
Past the local park
Past the Jewel Osco

They could see the rainbow
It was getting bigger
Then they saw a bag
They assumed it must be the gold
Only it wasn’t gold at all
They found their pot at the end of the rainbow all right
And they used it
Up until they were getting handcuffed
And placed in a police car

The author's comments:
We were given a newspaper headline and head to write a poem as if it was a news story.

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