no love for ladasha | Teen Ink

no love for ladasha

June 5, 2013
By hipster74.8 BRONZE, Lundbreck, Other
hipster74.8 BRONZE, Lundbreck, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
waffles arent pancakes without bacon

She was on him like a black panther on a baby gazelle, first going for the neck, trying to finish him off. They were both trying very hard but nothing was happening. It wasn’t that they were not attracted to each other, because Ladasha was very turned when Rays hairy back was revealed. She liked seeing his bald head and short body. Ray was turned on when their beady eyes met, and her long blonde hair was flowing in the calm air of the room.
It had been a year since Ray and Ladasha had said that words put on the rings and kissed. They settled into their new home that they are now living in during the summer of 2011. They were comfy in the small three room house with an unfinished basement that they mostly used for storage. They were very happy living with each didn’t other and both of them agreed it was time to start a family. But for the last couple of months they had been trying very hard but could not conceive baby no matter what they tried. Each time the pregnancy test would say she wasn’t pregnant; Ladasha would throw her hands up in frustration and ask the lord why he wants them to not have a family.
One morning on a weekend as Ladasha took the test, and Ray cooked some breakfast. This was usually how they spent the time on a Saturday from 6:30am to about 8:00am, but this morning one thing was different. When Ladasha came out of them bathroom and gave her husband the results… she still wasn’t pregnant! But she asked if he thought it was reasonable to see a doctor about their problem. They had decided a couple weeks ago that they would wait a little longer before going to the doctor. They only waited in the front room of the hospital for a short time before the doctor called them in. As the doctor began to speak Ray became very nervous, he was turning red and shaking a little bit. These were things that Ladasha had never ever seen him do before, and that’s when she knew something was going on that she didn’t know about. As Tina and Ray both listened to the long list of possibilities for why they couldn’t start a family.
Ladasha quickly got very impatient and cut him off.
“I don’t care about all the possibilities, what is the reality of why we can’t conceive?”
“Well… the doctor hesitated, I’m not sure if Ray told you this but his real name is Tina, and that should be enough info for you to understand why you can’t have a family.” The doctor said.
But Tina or ray quickly cut in and said, “it wasn’t my fault that the surgery didn’t go exactly how it was supposed to. The sergeant said it would be a long shot but there was a possibility that I could still have a family. Is adoption still an option?” He sighed In a way that asked if Ladasha approved.
“My guess is that the doctor knew you would never be able to have kids, and lied to you so he could get your money. Believe it or not but someone with the name of Jeffery James, who does surgery’s in a basement for have price might not tell the truth.” The doctor replied in a sarcastic voice.
“Why would you do this to me ray? I have basically been a lesbian my whole life and didn’t even know it.” Ladasha yelled.
“You said you married the man of your dreams before you knew I was a woman, and I am still the exact same person that you married.” added Ray.
“No Ray that’s wrong, I married the man of my dreams and now you have turned into the girl of my nightmares!!! And that’s not the same.” She snapped.
But Ladasha and the one I like to call Tray were still trying hard to make the marriage work out. But Ladasha hated the thought of being married to the white lady she once thought was the coffee black man of her dreams. Ladasha never did like her coffee with cream; she didn’t even like white milk, or milk chocolate! She was more of chocolate milk, black coffee and dark chocolate kind of lady. She even like her toast unless it was burnt so bad that it was solid black and some.
Ladasha was a smart lady so it wasn’t hard for her to figure out that sooner she asked Ray for a divorce, the sooner she could live a happy life again. She also knew that it wasn’t right to put Tina through the punishment of the marriage either. When she brought the idea up with Tina, she was very quick to agree that it was the right time to move on, so there wasn’t much discussion between them.
As time went on Tina decided it would be helpful to put herself on EHarmony. And in just a short time she had a date with another lady. Her name was missy, a tall thick black lady who could bench 210 pounds with ease. The date went very well; they enjoyed each other’s company and shared some interests. They made plans for another date and more after that one, this went on for about 8 months before the two decided to live together. Shortly after that they were happily engaged.
But Ladasha was seeing many different men in a short amount of time, sometime more than one a day. She quickly grew bored of this; because she thought it was all the same. And at about the same time she realized that she was happiest when she was with Tina, even if she was a woman. It was that simple, she knew that she had to get Tina back. That night she took a cab to the address Google gave her for Tina’s house. She planned to talk for a while and arrange a date with her, but when she knocked on the door. A strange lady opened it instead of Tina, at first Ladasha thought that she had arrived at the wrong house. But when Tine arrived at the door she knew it was the right house with something else in it, which should not have been. It was another woman.
Ladasha explained the way she felt to Tina, trying to smooth like silk in an effort to get her back, hoping she would understand. If it was anyone else I believe Ladasha would have had them, it should have worked because of how smoothly she talked. But that’s not how it went.
I understand, I mean who wouldn’t feel that way after losing someone as amazing as myself. But there is something that you have to understand Ladasha, I am engaged with the love of my life and it’s not you. But even if I was single I wouldn’t have taken back the women who I wasn’t good enough for. And especially not after the way you went through so many guys, like the way you did!
“I understand how you feel, and I am deeply sorry for what I put you through”, Said Ladasha in her saddest voice that she could make.
“I am going to help you out because I still care enough for you”, replied Tina in a mysterious voice.
Ladasha quickly spun around with hope that Tina was thinking about taking her back.
“You should get yourself set up on EHarmony, it really helps. But you might want to steel a picture of the internet for your profile picture if you hope to find a date with anyone. Most girls won’t be as willing to give you a chance after seeing how you look as I once was. And when you walk away you should be kind to everyone and hide your ugly back stabbing face, and never come back!” Tina snorted.
Tina and her new love shut the door and quickly disappeared.
Ladasha knew that there was nothing that she could do about the way that Tina felt. She honestly couldn’t blame her for feeling that way, so she turned around and walked back to the cab with her eyes on her feet and her head down, trying very hard to hide her ugly face. But she was struggling, she put it down even more, so far down that she couldn’t even see what she was doing. As she walked towards the cab on the far side of the street, a semi full of cargo plowed into the side of Ladasha. It sent her flying, blood sprayed everywhere! One of her arms was unattached from the rest of her body, and it was obvious that she was dead instantly.

Tina and her girl friend were watching from their window and seen the whole accident. When they knew that she was dead they did what anyone with half a brain would do. They turned around walked to the kitchen and acted as if they had never seen anything happen what so ever.
As for the trucker… well since “no one seen it happen” he pulled over, washed the blood off his bumper and drove until he saw a deer. He then hit the deer on purpose so he had an explanation for the dent and the blood. His insurance would also pay for the damage if the truck hit a deer, but he wasn’t too sure if it would if it was a human that he hit.

6 months later Tina and her partner went to Mexico and were married illegally. It was the happiest moment of their lives, when they got back to America they lived the rest of their lives to the fullest. They both lived until they were 84, Tina and her wife died on the same day. They were both very happy when they died.

The author's comments:
it good i didnt want to do this but friesen made me

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