Free at Last | Teen Ink

Free at Last

October 10, 2013
By k_enzie_ BRONZE, Soldotna, Alaska
k_enzie_ BRONZE, Soldotna, Alaska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pain seized my left side, a stream of blood gushed out the wound and fell into the rocky canyons below, the blood now painted the rushing river red. I swooped down and nestled in a nearby tree, terrified from the ambush that had just arisen. Was the beast to strike again? I couldn't control my fear and let out a squawk, the beast had heard me. The hungry, violent beast took hold of me, dragging me into the cold darkness. At this moment I had wondered why I ever wanted to fly. Why I had ever wanted to soar over the unknown blue sea? Now I was only a prisoner of fate, near to death; I felt sorrowful and desperate. I had not intended for this, never in my dreams. What I had imagined. What I had wanted. It was simple. I wanted to be like a bird, and soar to the unseen land beyond the horizon. I wanted....... to be free.

Dirt covered a thin layer of skin on my narrow face, and the bright sun shone perfectly through the glass windows in which I could see the dust particles dancing in my presence. It was just another day of work; age twelve, I had been working since I was able to say the word discipline. I always had wanted an education, along with a lot of other things, but I was forced to work, for my family of ten had little money. I dressed in the once navy blue shorts, now a murky brown, with nearly too many holes to wear and grabbed a mushy peach before heading out to work in the fields. The heat penetrated and dried my tanned skin, blisters from the previous day now exposed once again began to bleed red. After what seemed to be endless hours of work I was finished for the day. I checked the time; I had half an hour. I dashed out of the field and could feel new blisters form as I dashed to the lake side. When I was younger, my brother who has passed away would take me to the lake side, we would sit and watch as the sun disappeared. He would tell me stories, one I will always remember is: the sun is just taking a rest now child, night will sneak up soon just over the corner. Do not fear little one, for in the night magical things happen. Only if you believe, will you see.

The sun had now disappeared and the moon shone brightly casting just enough light down to the ground below me for me to find my way home. The smell of chicken and Spanish rice filled the thin log cabin air as I walked in and took a seat. My feet ached, I let out a sigh of relief. My mother did not pay attention to my presence, nor did anyone else. I was used to this by now. Ever since my brother, James, had passed away everyone seemed to change. Everyone but me, I suppose it didn't affect me the way it affected them. Don't get me wrong, I still weep and grieve, but my brother wouldn't have wanted me to push away everyone else and live unhappily due to his death. My mother did not offer me dinner tonight, so I trudged upstairs, took off my putrid smelling socks and laid down on my bed. I couldn't sleep, I had too much on my mind. I heard a noise outside, and peered out my window to see birds that were migrating through for the brisk winter, had nestled in our field for the night. I had wondered if they ever saw anything magical happen since they are always up and about at night, but my train of thought was soon interrupted by my stomach grumbling. Mother didn't offer me dinner; mother had been affected the most by the loss. She was getting worse every day, and it was rubbing off on the others. Father was rarely home, he was either working in the fields or getting drunk at the bar. For my whole life, it had always been the same routine of getting up, working, and sleeping. It had never bothered me so much until now. Now it bothers me more than ever, why did I have to work; while dad drank his life away? Why did I not get dinner when I worked all day? Why did everyone pretend it was okay? Why was my family falling apart? Why couldn't we hang on? Simply because we had no faith, we were poor and exhausted, mentally and physically. I had enough, as I laid in bed I could only think of two things, they ran through my head over and over while the birds outside sang a morning tune. I wanted to be free, free of this depressing and undeserving life, but how?

Another day passed, and night now approached yet again. Although, tonight had a purpose. Tonight, I was going to change. I was going to change into a bird and be free at last. I did not say goodbye; I just looked ahead, never looked back, and set off for the lake. The sun had now set and night snuck up like a predator on his pray. Night time was when magical things happened. Somehow I was going to change into a bird. I waded into the frigid water nearly to my waist and closed my eyes tightly. I had to clear my mind; pretend to be nothing, to feel nothing, to be light like a feather. I do not recall what happened next, but when I opened my eyes the sun glistened and I could see my reflection in the clear, ice, water. Only not now did I see a dirty, young boys' narrow face, I saw white feathers, and a beak. At first, I did not believe it was happening; I thought for sure I had been dreaming. Then I remembered my brothers tale, and knew he was right. At night, magical things happen, only if you believe will you see. I now saw, and I felt complete, as if my brother was watching me know. I could feel his presence.

I soared through the thickened woods, the tree canopy created a tunnel-like pathway; I saw a wolf and her pups below. I now flew over countless lakes and ponds. Flying was new to me, but felt so natural. I felt as if I was the ruler of the world and happiness streamed into me until I was full. The weight of my wings tired me and I took a rest in the field I had worked countless hours on near my home. No one was working at this hour and all was silent, all that could be heard was the fall colored leaves rustling about in the wind. I was soon rested and craved more adventure. The wind was rough, I struggled to fly but managed. In the distant the sun casted a pink vibrant sunset just behind the rolling hills that casted a dark shadow over the village. It was a spectacular sight, to be ruined by a shot. How could I be so ignorant to forget. How could I forget it was bird hunting season? Blood oozed out the side of me and took all the happiness with it. I had not much time, I swooped down into a nearby tree and took cover hoping the beast wouldn't find me. The beast would soon come, and claim his prize. Due to the throbbing pain I let out a faint squawk and the beast heard me. I could hear his footsteps, the ground and my heart trembled. I knew it was soon coming to an end. The beast dragged me from my safety zone, and grasped my bones. He was satisfied, I could tell by the sly smirk on his face. If only he had known I was once a boy, only a bird for a day, and all I wanted to be was free. I was now a prisoner, near death. I took my last breath and closed my eyes.

It was all the spectacular colors you could imagine coming together as one. Sweet aromas of homemade bread and roses filled the air. Someone was approaching me, I glanced down, I was no longer a bird but a boy. The stranger held out his hand, and spoke comforting words.
" Welcome to the other side, I missed you" his voice.... his face.. it was James. I knew now I could soar wherever my heart wanted to fly. I was no longer a prisoner. I could soar to the unseen galaxies of the human eye, I could soar to the moon. I was at last free.

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