What der It's A Walabie!!!!! | Teen Ink

What der It's A Walabie!!!!!

October 8, 2013
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Jackie Robinson and Babe Ruth were riding rides at Holliday world on vacation. They've been riding rides, and were thinking of what to ride next. They were getting away from the press by riding roller coasters and other rides. They started to have a conversations.

Jackie asked “Want to go on the Raven?”

“I want to ride The Legend.” replied Babe.

“Well it look's like we have a conflict.” said Jackie.

“We should see who is better at baseball for one season.” said Babe.

“Your on babe, not like a girl but your name.” said Jackie.

So they left Holiday world to go to the Yankee's stadium to practice.

“They have been practicing from the beginning of the year, all the way to the season!” screamed the announcer into the microphone.

End of season stats Babe Ruth were 18 home-runs/20 doubles. Jackie's stats at the end of the season was 15 home-runs/25 doubles, and 15 singles.

“Ha I win because I had more home-runs.” stated Babe.

“No, I win because I had more doubles, and singles.” Jackie pointed at Babe.

They didn't know what to do they thought and though.

“Hey I got it!” screamed Jackie.

“What is it?” Questioned Babe.

“We could get some people, and play a pick up game of baseball.” exclaimed Jackie.

“Okay Let's go and call up some people.” replied Babe.

So they stayed up all night, looking at stats picking people for there team. Jackie's Team is Cooper , Derek Jeter, Joe DiMaggio, Yogi Berra

Babe's Team is Bryce, Landon , Connor , Blake, and Brain as the cheerleader.

1st inning Jackie’s team goes up everyone hits 55 home-runes. Babes team goes up ,and Bryce goes up breaks his leg from falling down.

2nd inning score ending wasJackie’s 275/Babes -200/Brain starts cheering for the other team.

“Jackie is already booking two tickets to Holliday World to ride the Raven!” typed the Reporter.

3rd inning ending was Babe's team forfeited the game walking in shame. Except for Connor who was farting on Bryce, as he crawled off the field. Babe walked up to Jackie after the game.

“Good game.” he mumbled.

“What was that?” Jackie Questioned.

“Let's just go to Holliday World and Ride the Raven.” Replied Babe.

Jackie answered “Okay, we will also ride The Legend.”

So off they went to Holliday World to ride the Raven and The Legend. They got to Holliday World and Rode the Raven. Then immediately after they rode The Legend, and on the way from the The Legend they talked.

“Thanks for riding the Raven with me.” Jackie exclaimed.

“Ya, thanks for riding The Legend with me.” replied Babe.

They got on The Legend, and rode it three times.

“Wow that was funner then I thought it would be!” Jackie screamed over the crowed.

“I know I told you that” said Babe.

So they spend the rest of the day riding rides.

Jackie asked “do you want to go walabie hunting?”

“What der' !” screamed Babe.

“It's were you go in the woods, and hunt for some walabies.” said Jackie

“I get that but what do you mean by walabies” questioned Babe

“it's like a skunk ape but bigger and stronger.” replied Jackie.

“Alright let's go” Babe said as the walked to get their equipment.

They got to the house, and started to get the equipment for the hunt. Their equipment is : night vision goggles, a compose, walabie bait, and camera’s. Then Jackie called up Cooper, Nick, and Bryce. They are the expert Walabie hunters. They know how to catch and hunt Walabies. They all met up at the woods by the entrance.

“ Alright guys are you ready to go in?” Cooper asked.

“It looks like we have a newbie” said Nick.

“What's your name Newbie?” asked Nick.

“My names Babe Ruth” Babe mutter with his fists clenched from anger.

“ I like peanut butter!” Screamed Bryce.

“Sorry he is still a little whacked out from the pain medication he took 5 bottles.” Explained Cooper.

So off they went into the wood looking for their walabie spot. They were getting deeper, and deeper into the woods following the map to the spot.

“Are we close?” Questioned Jackie.

“Almost there.” Replied Nick.

They were about a mile into the woods. They past the park, the camping areas, and the statue areas. It was about 12:30 A.M. , and they were about half way through the woods.

“STOP WERE YOU ARE!!” screamed Bryce.

“What is it?” Questioned Cooper.

“Oh, I just saw a bug TEHE” giggled Bryce

They kept walking finally they were at the spot. There was already a cabin there for the hunting. They set up a fire for camp. They set down there things and hung the bait. After Cooper hung the bait he looked around very fast with his eyes popped out.

“I think I hear one over there” whispered Cooper pointing in the direction down a hill in some trees.

There it was a Walabie standing over 7ft tall with it's red eyes, and saliva coming out of it's mouth. It was staring right at them with it's cold evil eye's. All they did was stand their and hope for the best.

“Oh,look a pretty flower!” Bryce said as he ran toward it arms flapping around.

“NO!” everyone screamed.

But it was to late the Walabie ran up snatched Bryce. It picked him up with his long sharp fingernails and ate him, and after that Nick grabbed a machete, and ran after the Walabie. It saw Nick coming at him and picked him up. After picking Nick up with all his might it threw Nick at a tree knocking him unconscious. It went after them sprinting up the hill. Cooper locked the door and turned off the lights.

“What do we do?” Babe wailed.

“Calm down down and don't move they can't see you if you don't move” Cooper told them.

The walabie went to the window with it's breath fogging the window. Its face you can see now.
Cooper thought “please don't let them see us”
It has a long nose,and starring at them with his cold red eyes. Then you can see the cut on his face with blood going down it. It must have been from Nick's machete. Then it went to the door, and tried to the door and tried to open it. Then he walked out, and yelled a ear popping sound.

“What is he doing?” Jackie whispered.

“He is calling for help,and I'm going to call for a chopper now!” Cooper explained

Cooper got on the radio , and called for help. They would be there in 20 minutes by the park. After Cooper got off the radio they got ready to get out of there, and save nick and get to the chopper.

Cooper asked “You guys ready to kick some butt?”

“Oh yeah” Jackie, and Babe shouted.

They broke open the door, and ran as fast as they could to Nick. Jackie picked up Nick and they started running for the park. What they didn't know is they were running straight into the camp. While they were running they saw a light up ahead. It must be another camp in the woods, let's take a rest for a while. When they walked through the bushes to see the Walabie camps.

“Oh crap” Cooper said.

“let's go around the camp” whispered Babe.

They started walking around the camp slowly. Then Nick woke up when they were half way around the camp. He moaned a loud noise when he woke up. The walabies must have heard because the all stopped what they were doing. They put their noises in the ground and sniffed the air.

“We've got to move faster” Cooper whispered.

They started moving faster until they were a the end of the camp on the path. They heard a noise from behind. The walabies heard them and were running after them.

“RUN!” Cooper said.

They all started running they past the statue areas, the camping grounds (which were empty), and to the park. Connor was in the passenger seat waving them on. They jumped in the helicopter and took off.

“Where's Bryce?” Connor asked.

“He didn't make it” Cooper said as they were all in silence.

They landed and went on with their life, and barely talked to each other.

The author's comments:
It is studly

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