Fist of Fury | Teen Ink

Fist of Fury

October 9, 2013
By cefery BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
cefery BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bruce Lee goes to a congress party with Jesse James, Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, JFK and The Beatles. JFK makes a speech while the Beatles sing Hey Jude. Then these criminals come and kidnapped The Beatles and JFK. Bruce Lee, Jesse James, Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali didn't know anything about each other. As the criminals kidnapped JFK and The Beatles Bruce Lee and the other guys are fighting and decide to team up and fight crime.

As days past JFK and The Beatles are still missing. Bruce Lee and Jesse James try to make plans.“So Bruce what are we going to do,” Jesse James stated.

“I'm not sure. First of all we need to find where their hidden location is at,” Bruce Lee replied.

While Bruce Lee and Jesse James are thinking of a plan Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson are working out at a gym.“So Mike what do you think Bruce Lee and Jesse James are doing?” Muhammad Ali asked.

“I don't know, maybe thinking of a plan to try to get them back, but other than that i'm really not sure.” Mike Tyson stated.

Bruce Lee decided what do while Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali were at the gym. Bruce Lee decided to use Jesse James as a decoy while Bruce Lee and Muhammad Ali try to find the criminals. Midnight hits and Jesse James walks into a bar and starts playing poker and asks questions about the criminals. No one knew anything. Not even Bill the man who can get you anything you need, or tell you anything you want to know. So as Jesse James walks over to Bill he passes by a man that goes by Joe. Joe is a man
who always snitches the people who do things that are against the law. While Jesse was walking by a strange man walks into the bar. Jesse is thinking to himself wondering who this man could be. The man seems to be walking towards Jesse.

“Hello Jesse hows it going lately?” the man asked.

“Good?” Jesse stated, “Do I know you?” Jesse asked

“You don't but I know you, I want you to betray Bruce Lee and kill him.” the man commanded.

“Why should I do that?” Jesse asked.

“Bruce Lee doesn't care about you. He just cares about himself,” the man stated, “All he wants is to save JFK for the fame and glory,” the man stated.

As Jesse was thinking to himself he thought that the man was right. Bruce Lee didn't care about other people; he just cared about himself. Not anybody else. All he really cared about was to save JFK and The Beatles.

“You know what you're right Bruce Lee only cares about himself,” Jesse stated “Also, I'm going to show him a lesson about being selfish.”

Later Jesse goes to the place that Bruce Lee is at. Jesse walks in with a mean expression on his face like his going to kill somebody. Jesse walks over to Bruce Lee and tries to punch him but Bruce Lee blocks it.

“What are you doing Jesse,” Bruce Lee stated.

“I'm going to teach you a lesson,” Jesse stated.
As Jesse tries to round house kick Bruce, but he counter attacks it and double kicks Jesse in the face and Jesse is on the ground dead. Later Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali come in and see Jesse dead.

“What happened here?” Mike asked.

“Jesse betrayed us and I was forced to kill him,” Bruce stated.

Later people in car drive up to the driveway and start screaming and shouting
and demanding Bruce Lee to come out. As Bruce was walking out he only saw JFK.

“Wheres the band?” Bruce Lee asked.

“They're dead we killed John and George.” a man stated.
As Bruce Lee was talking he walked up to the man and they started fighting
Bruce Lee toke out every body and saved JFK.

“Did they really kill them?”Bruce Lee asked, “How could they do such a thing?”

“Well, all we have to do is move on with our lives.” JFK stated.

The End

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