The Harp | Teen Ink

The Harp

November 5, 2013
By LizzyR SILVER, Springfield, Missouri
LizzyR SILVER, Springfield, Missouri
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It was around 7:00 p.m. in a cozy house outside of a little town called Malibu Point. A little boy named Michael was getting ready for his bedtime story. Michael was 7 years old and had lived with his grandfather after his parents died in a car accident. His grandmother had passed away two years ago, leaving her husband to raise Michael on his own. Michael had brown hair and a puzzled look on his face most times, that could make anybody get a case of the giggles. As always, Michael settled into his bed with his stuffed dog named Spot and his grandfather came into the room. His grandfather was a tall man with a slender build and gray hair. Every night Michael’s grandfather would come in to tell him a story before bed. Tonight’s story would be about a magical harp. As Michael hugged Spot closer his grandfather began the story:“Somewhere out in the Cayman Islands there is a myth that has yet to be proven. It was said in the olden days there was a man who found a shiny gold harp in the middle of the ocean. He didn’t know what it was doing there so he picked it up and decided to play it. What this young man failed to realize was that this harp cold unlock a world of trouble, because when he played it a hole opened up in the ocean and out came the three Sirens.” “What’s a Siren?” Michael asked his grandfather. “According to Greek mythology they were three sea Nymphs whose singing would bring sailors to their death, the Nymphs were said to all be women. They were also said to have wings.” His grandfather answered. “Now, let’s continue the story. Where was I? Oh I remember, a hole opened up in the ocean and out came the three Sirens.” Why is there only three?” Michael asked. “Well, I don’t know but that’s a good question.” His grandfather replied. “Let’s get back to the story. Anyway, the young man didn’t know what these flying creatures were and so he watched with amazement as they flew to him. When the Sirens began to sing the young man was entranced by their song, they led him to the edge of the boat where they threw him in the water and drowned him. That didn’t release the Sirens from the harp and after they drowned the young man they were sucked into their underworld and the harp was said to have magically transported itself to the Cayman Islands. It is said that the Sirens will only respond in peace when their true king or queen has found the harp and released them to serve him or her. The reason that they drowned the young man was because he wasn’t the one who was supposed to rule the Siren’s underworld.” Michael’s grandfather said as the story came to an end. His grandfather looked over at Michael to notice that he was about to drift off to sleep. “Good night” were the last words that Michael’s grandfather spoke before he went to bed and died peacefully in his sleep. Two days later there was a beautiful funeral held for Michael’s grandfather, as the tears rolled down Michael’s face he made his grandfather a promise: “I promise that when I am older that I will find the magical harp and rule the underworld in remembrance of you.” Michael said as he dried his tears. Michael then went to live with his aunt Clarissa and his uncle Mark. Michael’s 8th birthday came and his aunt and uncle threw him a big party. Michael got a remote control racecar and twenty dollars from his aunt and uncle. Since summer break was almost over Michael, his aunt, and uncle went to shop for supplies for school. Michael was going into the second grade at River Creek Elementary. Michael was a smart boy who was determined to get through life and keep his promise to his grandfather. Eleven years later at the age of 18, Michael had become a handsome young man. He had saved up $3,500 from his job and birthday money and now he had enough to buy a boat and supplies. He first went and bought a boat for $1,500, then he bought $500 worth of canned food and water. Next he went and bought a dog for $50, to protect his possessions. His dog was a Doberman/Rottweiler mix who just happened to love water. He named the dog Sailor. He then went and bought $300 worth of dog food, and used $30 to buy a tent, sleeping bag, a lantern, and a knife. Then Michael said goodbye to his aunt and uncle and set out on his journey to find the magical harp. Three weeks later he spotted the Cayman Islands which were said to hold the magical harp. As he sailed to shore the sky became a light grey color and it began to rain. Michael reached the Grand Cayman Island within 10 minutes and secured his boat on the shore. It was peaceful, with lots of palm trees and colorful wild parrots. Michael looked around in amazement the island seemed secluded from the rest of the world. So after setting up the tent, Michael made himself a fire. As he sat by the fire, Sailor took off running after a baby wild hog. Three minutes later Sailor returned with the baby hog in his mouth. Michael took the hog and cooked it, then split the hog between Sailor and himself. Afterwards Michael and Sailor crawled into the tent and went to sleep. Within the next 10 days Michael had explored half of the island and gathered food and built a little house for himself out of the palm trees and other things around the island. On the 11th day Michael came upon a little patch of trees and brush with a creek and large rocks. Across the creek in the deeper part of the water on a huge rock stood a harp. “It’s true,” he thought, “it’s really true.” Then Michael walked down the creek and swam to the rocks that held the harp. He then sat on the rock next to the harp; he picked up the harp and played a note. All the sudden a hole opened up in the creek and out came the three Sirens, but they didn’t sing. This was the sign that Michael was hoping for. He was the king of the Sirens and now he had to pick a bride out of one of the Sirens to help him rule the underworld. Michael picked the one Siren whose name was Fuchsia. Fuchsia would go on to kill 300 men a year and give birth to three new Sirens. With every order that Michael gave the Sirens, he looked up to the sky and thanked his grandfather for telling him the story that started his journey.

The author's comments:
Some of the characters were inspired by the myth of the Sirens and an image from Harris Burdick.

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