Alphabet story | Teen Ink

Alphabet story

November 7, 2013
By Anonymous

After much thought, we decided. Beginning the year with a new choice of our tribe. Choosing the time to neglect the spirits of this desolate world. Decided by them. Elders of our people. Feared and respected. Grown past the days of warriors. Harnessing the wisdom only time could bestow. Interested in only enhancement. Just that and nothing else. Kings as one would call them. Lost, however, for their choice was wrong. Monstrosities attacked our peaceful home, angered by their choice against tradition. No hesitation, no warning. Overpowering us at every turn. People screaming until silenced. Quiet, still air was all that’s left. Rising, I lived, the only one left. Survivor, that’s what I’m known to the people of this apocalyptic world. Tracking the demons who ended us. Until my last breath, I will hunt. Vowing every day to not stop. Waving through the ancient world, then I see them. Xemes raced across the sky, massive birds, but not the real predators are watching me, cautious. Zaine, that is my name, and I am their hunter.

The author's comments:
An assignment for my Creative Writing Class.

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