The Full Moon | Teen Ink

The Full Moon

November 7, 2013
By brenda leyva BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
brenda leyva BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a pale full moon, as Angie was out in the woods researching for her science projectto see how animals react at night. It’s was a very cold night and Angie was all alone, she decide to go back to her car to go get her sweater she had forgotten. As Angie was walking back to her car she heard a very strange noise, whichcraped her out. Shestopped for a minute and went back to check out what it was. When she walking upthe hill she suddenly saw a strange crecher moved swiftly through the forest, so she panicked and ran fast toher car. While she was running back to her car she turn back and saw the creature fallowing her. She hides behind a tree, breathing heavily, but it seem that the creature could sense where she was. Everything got very quite that she could even hear her own heart beat, in no time while she was looking away to see if the creature had left she suddenly felt something drag her away into the darkness of themoon. The next morning she woke up lying down in her car, without remembering any trace of whathad happen. Angie started to think she was losing her mind so she decided to go back to her house and shower to get ready to go to school. Her physical educations class was starting and she had to hurry up and change.
Angie? “Yeah” you have a big deep scratch in your leg, said Leila her friend.
Are you sure? “Yeah”
She yelled, “look”
Don’t tell anyone ok, so she left class and went home frightened not knowing what to do, she was so confused. During that day she started to feel weird and wonder what could have done such a big scratch. That day she didn’t want to eat nothing or even get out of her room, she felt nashies and her vision was gettingblurry. No one really notices what was wrong with her therefore her mom was always busy working. The next morning she went to class and was noticing she could hear other peoples conversations fromfar away and in her physical education class she was improving her speed in running.
Its everything ok, “said Leila?”
Ill tell you after school, meet me at my house I have something to tell you. After school Angie and Leilameet up and both went to the woods. Two days ago I was down here, there was a full moon so I decideto come and finish my research paper. When I was suddenly grab by my leg and pull to a dark path by astrange creater, after that I woke up in my car. Since then I’ve been better at everything I can’t complain, but in the nights I fall asleep and weak up somewhere else completely naked. Leila was amazed that she decide to research on it and take a pick too see if she got a view of it, so she went to the woods at night with Angie as they were hidden behind a big tree they saw a human transform into a big wolf. It’s seemed as if the wolf was angry,and at no time there was alot of them, both women and man. It was weird because it seem as if all the wolfs were against only one, They were againstthe main wolf, the one who kills him will become the main one but That wolf was triple the size ofthem and was more stronger, it had beautiful scary blue eyes.They all had pointy ears, lots of hair, long big nails and they all had different colors eyes.

It was ten before midnight and I wasclass when I started to feel like I was getting ready to hatch from a very thick layer off skin. I was turning into one of them!
Ms Angie? Yeah
Can you please come up and explain this problem?
I’m sorry I got to Go!
I left to the girl’s locker room, but someone had followed me there. I was starting to grow long hair and my nails were getting so long, longer than two inches.
Hello!! Is someone there?
It was Clark my crush, He had seen a little of me but at no time I started to control myself back to normal. I was afraid because his family were hunters and I new he would say something but I let it pass hoping he would not open his mouth. Clark started to noticed things about me, he would take lots of pictures of my face but the thing was that every time he took a picture my eyes will always come out blurry. Clark new that I was not normal but he didn’t really showed to be bothered so I didn’t pay attention to it ether. One evening after school I was about to go home Clark stop me and asked if I would like to eat dinner at his house. Frightened I replied yes. Don’t be late be there at five. I thought it was weird how he was acting with me therefore he never even bother before to look at me in class but I decided to go with it.
Ding Dong!
“I’m going” he ran to open the door.
Hey! Angie you look beautiful.
We were eating, when we finished he asked me his whole life story. He said his family was really into hunting and that they had a rule, which was to kill the un normal things that could, do harm to the people.
I have to go, it’s getting late!
No wait!?
Come I want to show you something down in the basement, no Im ok, please come on.
Ahhhhhhh!! What is this?
I’m sorry I had to do this I can’t bailed on my family, plus its better you won’t be able to hurt no one. He tied me up and grabs a big silver sword.
Please! Please Clark you don’t have to do this!
He swings the sword and cut me in half, my guts everywhere ending everything with a kiss in my lips. I wished I didn’t have to do that.
When Clarks walks out the basement he felt like something was around the house or maybe it was just him, so he hurried out, when he was about to step out the door a wolf bites him which he becomes one of them, but also leading his family to kill him now.

The author's comments:
This is a great example for the people out there who like to treat people less ether because they arent human or because they are different than they are. I think everyone should be treated the same therefore we all have something in us that makes us equal to each other.

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