A Mouse With a Lions Tale | Teen Ink

A Mouse With a Lions Tale

December 3, 2013
By presleyvela07 BRONZE, Two Rivers, Wisconsin
presleyvela07 BRONZE, Two Rivers, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stand on the edge with me, hold back your fear and see, nothing is real till' its gone.

I’m the smallest male member of our nest. Being the smallest member, adding together my luck, I'm assigned the most dangerous job. My job is to get food for all the other members of the nest. It usually isn’t too difficult, being that we live in a zoo and all. But still, there are plenty of other capable mice to do what I struggle with every day.

“Alright honey I'm leaving for work.” I call out to my wife.
“Ok.” She yells as she rushes to give me a hug. “You be careful out there, alright?” She tells me this every morning.
“Don’t worry,” I assure her “Ill, be fine. And give the kids a kiss for me will you?”
As I leave I make sure I have all my things. I go out before the zoo opens, this way I wont have to worry about “The Giants” stepping all over me.

I scurry through the walls and dash from light pole to light pole, I'm aware of a low growling. I quickly pause. My anxiety rises. I stay perfectly still to have a listen.
Usually the other animals are never awake this early. I round the corner to find a dark, dark cave. I know this to be the lion’s den. The lion happens to have the most food out of all the animals, so naturally I'm intrigued to go in there, despite all my senses screaming at me not to.
‘Id be a hero…’ I think to myself. ‘No way… I could get killed!’ I contradict. I gulp back my fear and take a step forward. The growling gets more constant, more intense. I near the entrance of the cave and peer into it. I stare into black, scanning my eyes in the dark from left to right. Bright yellow eyes pop open. I squeal and start to run away but the lion’s giant paws slam onto my tail.
“No, please, please don’t eat me, I have a wife and children!” I beg.
The lion is not listening, too eager for the easiest catch of the day. I feel his hot breath as I near his mouth.

“Wait!!” I scream, “Ill make you a deal”
The lion pauses. His eyebrows perk up and his ears are now intrigued.
“Um… look, I can give you what ever you want, just please don’t eat me!” I yell. The lion, no longer listening, continues to move my shivering body closer and closer to his mouth. I need to think of something, and fast.

“Wait! I know something that I can do,” I start, but the lion is still not listening. I feel his spit spray into my face, I have a realization: this lion, no matter how terrible, is only trying to make a living… just like me.

“I can help you get out!” I regret the words as soon as they come out. “Yeah, look, I know how much you hate it here. We are all stuck here trying to make a living. But you don’t have to live this way…” I pause for effect. “You can be free.” I grab one of his toes and start to pray it away from my body. Suddenly his paw tightens, as if he’s still unsure. Then he lowers his paw till I’m standing safely on the ground.

Now safe I have to make a decision, stay and do what I promised, or get out of there as soon as possible.

Before I make a decision I scurry up the cage door. My tiny paws are just small enough to fit through the keyhole. I twist and turn with all my might, until finally I hear a click. I surprised it actually worked. I grab a hold of the lock and lift it out of place.

“Okay… its unlocked. Of course you’re going to have to push it open.” I laugh nervously.

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