The Dark Shadow | Teen Ink

The Dark Shadow

January 14, 2014
By John Strain BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
John Strain BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

I am a black shadow running on roof tops blending in with the night sky, making little to no noise. I had a straight face all night, nothing could make me laugh. I climb the tallest building in town. I sit motionless on top like a hawk , waiting, hunting my prey, listening to all the cars make their way home.

A few hours later I see the sun over the horizon. The car I had been following all night hadn’t moved from its location. I make my way home and climb in bed so my mom believes I’ve been there all night. In reality, I hadn’t slept at all. I hadn’t even gone in my room. I walk out of the bathroom, grab my book bag, and make my way to the school bus. Nobody knows, nobody knows that all night every night I’m a ninja. Every night I sit in the same spot waiting for the car that I have been tracking for years to move. Every night I nearly fall off the building, because the wind is always trying to shove me off.

The day goes by slowly, school is always so boring. I finally get home. I sit down and finish my homework.

“John, dinner!” my dad yells. I walk slowly to the kitchen and I eat. As I do the dishes I notice that the sun is already very low. I run to my bedroom and push a secret button as my outfit comes out of the floor. I put it on and I climb out the window.

An hour later I’m sitting at the top of the same building. I look for the car. The car is still there, and it looks like no one even touched it. My eyes get heavy and my body sways back and forth trying to stay up right.

A couple of minutes later I noticed I had drifted to cloud 9. I shake myself awake, and apparently at the perfect time because I see the lights of the car. The car starts to move slowly, I jump down and start chasing after it. I’m sprinting on roof tops, sticking to the shadows so the street lights don’t catch me. The car stops, and so do I. I wait to see who gets out of the car. It’s the man, the most wanted man in the whole world and he is almost at my reach. I climb down off the building and I crouch right next to the car.

“Hey you! What are you doing!?” a man yells at me. Startled, I stand up and start running towards the man I had been following , but he started running also. I am stopped by a line of men with weapons. I turn around and start running towards a building across the street. I dodge many bullets but one grazes my left leg and it stings. I start climbing the building, and I feel as if gravity is no longer trying to pull me down. I make it to the top and look over the edge. I see just as many men waiting up there for me.

Sabotage, I think to myself.
“He has to be up here, they said he was coming up,” one man tells all of the other.
“He is probably just being really slow,” another one says.
“He’ll be surprised when he sees all of us. He is ours,” the tallest man says.
The men haven’t seen me yet. I reach into one of my many pockets and I pull out three ninja stars. I slowly rotate them in my hand, feeling the smooth metal. I throw them one at a time, striking three of the men in their throats. A second later, I reach into another pocket and I pull out what looks like a grenade. I throw it before any of the men have time to react. I wait and I watch the smoke steam out of the grenade, the disgusting odor filling the air as if you could smell it a mile away.
“My eyes!” I hear many of them yell.

I reach into my pocket again, and I throw two more ninja stars. I hit one person in the head and miss the other. I know several of the men are hiding. If I go in there I won’t be able to see, but I can’t run because the men at the bottom of the tower are still waiting. I wait until most of the smoke goes away, and I jump on top of the roof and I pull out a sword. Two men immediately stand up. I stab one of them through the heart, and the other I pressure point. He becomes paralyzed. I look around to see if anyone is still hiding, but I don’t see anyone.

A few minutes later, the man I paralyzed is now wearing the clothes I was wearing. I push him off the edge.

The men at the bottom start yelling, “We have him! He is dead!”

I climb down the back of the building, and I see the glare of the sunshine off of a car. However, my job isn’t done. I make my way to the same building the man I was chasing is at. I look like an innocent child. None of the guards suspect a thing. I walk in the building, and I take the elevator to the top floor. At the top floor I’m greeted with 10 men holding guns pointed at my head. I put my hands up and see the man I want in the back. I quickly thow another smoke grenade on the ground, and get shot with 5 bullets in my chest, barley missing my heart. I throw my last ninja star at the last place I saw the man, and I hear a yell through the gurgling of blood spilling out of his mouth. The elevator closes. I still taste the smoke in my mouth. I’m lying on the ground in pain, knowing I can die with my job complete.

The author's comments:
I hope that people will know that ninjas are very crazy and have many weapons and items.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jan. 23 2014 at 10:32 pm
John Strain BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Sorry know I most likely won't. It was a project for school.

on Jan. 17 2014 at 6:09 pm
Athena19 SILVER, Central Point, Oregon
5 articles 1 photo 103 comments

Favorite Quote:
'Love people. Cook them tasty food.' -Penzey's Spices

Wow this was really intense! I want to know more about why the ninja was tracking this car. Are you going to write more?