The Mysterious Jungle | Teen Ink

The Mysterious Jungle

February 4, 2014
By qualiej BRONZE, Bridgeton Nj, New Jersey
qualiej BRONZE, Bridgeton Nj, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Baldwin I am a senior in hill city high school and im going to tell you the story of my friend and I, and how we going to make history. One cold boring morning our teacher came in the class room and started to tell us the story of a forest in Minnesota that they say is unsuitable for humans to live in. Well my friends and I listened to the story and we were amazed by it. Then the teacher says brief description Thick underbrush is spread between the trees, not a beam of sunlight slips through the forest hell branch. The forest is full of nocturnal creatures and carnivores. At night the night gets colder and colder with every minute. Then in the morning its get hotter and hotter but it stays dark. Every animal in the forest lack of vitamin d from the lack of sun. Then the bell ring and the teacher stops. Tom and I have to go to the forest its Friday and we have the weekend. As me and tom started to walk home my mom picks us up and we tell her the whole story. She says “yall just kidding but just in case here’s my phone”. Tom goes home and I go home for lunch. Soon after that we meet up in the front yard with our bags packed and our dogs. My dog was a big healthy German Sheppard. My friend tom had a big, stocky, brown and black Rottweiler we were ready and thrilled to go to this terrifying forest of unsuitability.

As we get to the forest we can’t see nothing but pitch black As the sun rose over the horizon it awoke the jungle slowly and efficiently. Soon I could hear the morning birds chirp with all their heart .The light coming through the trees, it’s a little bit foggy, the earthy smell coming up my nose. The quietness, coolness, moss growing on the trunks of the trees, droplets of water fall from the huge oak trees. The branches of the trees are like dark lines that have followed the movements of the silence; the Minnesota coniferous forest was vast and filled with. Our dog’s hairs start to stick up. Tom and I start to walk through the bushes and all of the sudden the temperature dropped. Tom and I were chilled as ice. Our dogs led the way thank god we had them. As we walk red eyes pop out from the shadows. A loud shriek came from all directions then the eyes disappeared. Seconds later thousands of bats came through flying by fast as lighting. Me tom and the dogs stop and dropped. I looked up and the bats were abnormal, they looked Gray, more like a huge bat with grayish-brown fur and a slight wooly appearance. Its body looked approximately 12 inches in length and its wingspan is 11 to 13 inches. Then they disappear into the night. Quickly it seem like they had a quick battle with silence, but silence came back and won the was quite to quite.

We start walking through the jungle languidly our dogs hairs aren’t sticking up any more. We notice that the landscape changes from the cold jungle to the Rocky Mountains. This place was weird and mysterious. As we walk we reach a vast cave there were a murder of crows in the trees and around the mountains. Big huge mountains goat with horns the size of elephants. The air was crisp and dry and slowly changed as we walked down the cliff. This looked like a high, steep, or overhanging face of rock. We got to the bottom there was a raging river. There was fish the size of shark. They looked scrumptious. As it starts to get dark we take up camp by the river.

We set up our tents and get our sleeping bags ready. The sun is setting and we need to eat so we go to the river and set some bait. We start fishing and we let our dogs go so they can get some exercise. Then we catch some fish we caught three of them.

We took out our Swiss army knives and cut the heads of the fish we caught. Tom and I skinned the fish side down. Starting at the tail end, slip the blade of a long, sharp knife between the fish flesh and the skin, holding the skin down firmly with our other hand. Gently push the blade along at a 30° angle, separating the fillet from the skin without cutting through either. After we was done we knew we had to turn our dogs into hunting dogs and the only way to do that is to feed them blood. So we fed the dogs the fish remains. They ate the fish in a quick second there eyes turned from a bright white to a bloody red. They were ready to hunt and kill even if it meant death. The next morning we woke up, it was hot outside real hot and I couldn’t take it. I walk down to the river and I just jumped in. The white waves hit me faster and faster. As I went under water the strong current pulled me downstream. Luckily I hit a rock and got my head above the water. Tom threw a rope and tied them to the dogs and the dogs pulled me back to safety. When I got out the salt water started to dry my skin the sun was super-hot. We had to move and move fast. We packed up and we got walked up this mountain and into a cave. This looks like home tom said. We could stay here for a while maybe the wh0le weekend. The cave smelled a watery limestone and had a billabong inside the water was see threw and seemed to be at least seven feet deep.

Tom went to look for fire wood with his dog. My dog and I went to finds some food we ate our last bag of beef jerky this morning. We needed food and fast. As me and my pup roscoe found this large group of cattle. My dog ran them towards me I laid down and sliced the large mammal it fell and my dog attacked it. The hard bone of the dog teeth was tearing through` flesh.

After the wildebeest stop moving I cut four big pieces of meat and left the carcass we carried it back to the cave.

Tom was surprised by how much meat we had. we used the rope from early and hung the meat up and poured water down it so the blood would come off. Minutes later we started to cook the carcass our dogs still standing on their guards as we get up a wolf comes through the cave. Before the wolf could howl our dogs double teamed the wolf .biting and snapping at the necks of the wolves until there until there was just a yelp and silence. We went out with our knives and sharpened some sticks so we can make a barrier. Later that night a group of bears comes into our cave and kills the dog me and tom are devastated and go home but on our way back we find a diamond that was lost and we made history.

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