The Teens | Teen Ink

The Teens

February 27, 2014
By zacharyh BRONZE, Kings Mountian, North Carolina
zacharyh BRONZE, Kings Mountian, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
it is what it is

It all started one winter day….. We were all hanging out together when we saw a moving truck pull in our neighborhood. “Who do you think is moving in?” Cole asked. “Maybe it’s a serial killer” Frank commented laughing. I stood there looking at him, wondering why he would think that about someone he doesn’t know. We stood there watching them unload the big moving truck. That night we met up at the abandon house down the street. When I got their everyone was already in the house. “What if they’re really serial killers!” said Frank. “What if they’re not?” says Cole. We stand around talking trying to figure out if they really are serial killers. “There is only one way to find out if they really are. Let’s go spy on them and find out for our self.” We all left the abandon house, we started towards the road. “I don’t like this idea” says Frank. “Then go home, we don’t need a coward with us.” Frank got pissed off and went home like he was told. “I didn’t think he was that soft hearted.” Said Cole laughing at the amusment. “Let’s get back to what we came here for.” We split up and went around both sides of the house. I’m walking nervously around the house not knowing what will happen to me. “AHHHH” yelled Cole. I knew something had to be wrong, I take off running trying to find him, I ran around the house once and didn’t find him. “Cole!” I yelled. There wasn’t a response, something bad had to of happened to him. I run up on the porch, I start beating on the door yelling “Let me in!!” The door flies open. There’s a giant man standing in the doorway, he’s got a tribal tattoo on both arms and another around his neck. He has Cole by the arm. “let him go!” I yelled. The giant man grabbed me by the throat and slung me into his house. He takes Cole and me to the attic, there is a giant lock on the door going into the attic. “What are you going to do to us?!” Cole asked. “That’s for me to know and yawl to find out in the morning” the giant says in a deep voice. He slams the door behind himself as he leaves. We both look at each other scared for our life’s, we just sat there all night thinking trying to figure out how to get out of here. The next morning I here Frank yell “Zach! Cole! Where are yawl!” At the same time Cole and I both yell “IN HERE WE NEED HELP!” We both ran to the window to see if we could see him. Cole starts beating on the window, frank finally looks up and realizes we have been captured by the giant man. We hear footsteps coming up the stairs. the door flies open and he’s holding a long serrated knife. He grabs Cole by the arm and puts the knife to his throat. “Dont do it!” i yell at the top of my lungs. That didn't stop him, the long knife slid down Cole’s throat. Cole dropped to the floor, i started screaming as loud as i could. I push the giant man out of the doorway and he falls down onto the knife. In less than a week i’ve lost my best friend and became a murderer what’s happened to this world?.....

The author's comments:
It will take you for a thrill

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