The Curse of Nalia | Teen Ink

The Curse of Nalia

March 1, 2014
By JuliaR1 BRONZE, Martinsville, Indiana
JuliaR1 BRONZE, Martinsville, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a very magical day, the princess of Nalia was born. Her name was Elsa and she had beautiful, long, white hair. Elsa’s mother, Clarise, had magical powers; Elsa received some of these powers when she turned five. She had to learn to control them. Elsa grew up to be a curious girl, but sometimes wondered too much about her powers. Clarise gave a talk to Elsa saying her, and her father were going out to sea to look for a safe place for her to live. Elsa said back that she didn’t want to live somewhere else forever. Clarise didn’t know what to do.
On the day of the long journey Clarise and Eugene, Elsa’s father, boarded the wooden ship and set sail. Elsa was lonely for months. Villagers tried to keep her company by putting on shows and performances, but she was always eager for the day her father’s ship returned. However, the large ship never came. The depressing news was soon told that Nalia’s king and queen were dead. There had been a massive storm which created enormous waves. The ship had gone under and was never seen again. Elsa took the news terribly; she locked the doors and windows in her room and never came out. Maids and servants brought her three meals a day which were willingly eaten. Elsa had enough of isolation so she went outside to see the world. Elsa became furious about her parents being dead so her powers went wild. The powers cursed Nalia. All the villagers turned cold-hearted, but two people in the kingdom weren’t affected by the curse: Elsa and one very handsome man. The only way the curse could be broken was true love’s kiss.
The next day, most of the villagers were outside either doing laundry or socializing. Elsa was walking down the cobblestone road and saw how gruff everyone was. She started to feel guilty about turning everyone cold-hearted; even though she didn’t mean for that to happen. Just then, she ran into Flynn, the one guy who didn’t turn cold-hearted, and fell to the ground. She started getting up, but then a hand went in front of her face. Elsa grabbed that hand and it lifted her up. Their eyes met; it was love at first sight. Elsa thanked the kind man for helping her and found out his name. She thought Flynn was the most gorgeous man in Nalia. Flynn asked Elsa to go on a moonlight boat ride. Of course, she said yes.
When the time came, Elsa met Flynn on the boat dock, and they both hopped into the boat. Elsa asked many questions about Flynn. He told her all about his family and his hobbies. Elsa found out he was going to take over his family business: the bakery. She knew exactly where it was in the kingdom. Elsa’s father always received bread and cake from Flynn’s mother. Being a baker meant that you were strong. Lifting all the sacks of flour and wheat was hard work. Then, Elsa and Flynn lied down and looked at the stars. Flynn sat up and said to Elsa that her eyes sparkled more than the stars. They both leaned in; their lips touched. It was the most magical kiss in Nalia. The curse was broken; it was true love’s kiss.
Everyone in Nalia turned back to their normal selves. The sun was shining and birds were chirping. There was a celebration for the curse being broken. Nalia was filled with decorations and music. On every street, people were dancing and having a blast. Elsa and Flynn got married the next day. All the villagers in Nalia were invited to this spectacular day. Elsa was wearing the most beautiful white gown and golden crown. Flynn became the new king of Nalia and Elsa was declared queen. The curse was broken and there was a new king and queen of the kingdom; and they all lived happily ever after!

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