A Snow Meal | Teen Ink

A Snow Meal

March 16, 2014
By Jaeger1 BRONZE, Begrade, Minnesota
Jaeger1 BRONZE, Begrade, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

After flying for days, my stomach is groaning. Every sound I hear, I think it might be the meal that will stop this pain. Finally, I made it to the spot in which I will stay for awhile and rest. I do not know if I will be able to fly again. It is too cold for me to fly. I need food! Oh what is that? Is that a pole? Yes it is! I will just fly over there to take a nice short nap. I will just close my eyes and sleep for a little while. It`s getting darker and darker and darker......
Crunch, crunch, crunch....
Why is the snow crunching? Could it be dinner? I will fly down to investigate it.

I am getting closer to it. My talons are ready to snatch that creature. Oh no! What is that noise?

“Davey, look over there! I think it is a snowy owl!” exclaims a little girl.

“Where?” asks a strange looking man.

“Look! Right there! Drive faster!” yells the girl.
Rats! Those humans are scaring my dinner. I wish they would just drive that dumb snowmobile out of here. I am so hungry! I need to eat!

Great! Now they are driving towards me. Will they try to kill me? I need to get out of here!

“Davey, drive faster. The owl is leaving. Hurry!” says the girl.

“I will kick it down. Hold on!” the man answers.

“Great, the owl is gone. I just wanted to take a picture of that beautiful bird. Do you think it will come back?” asks the girl.

“Maybe tomorrow. We had better get home. It is getting dark out,” replies the man.

Finally those kids are gone. I fooled them. They could not see me. I blend in so well with the snow. They drove right by me!

I do not know if I can take it anymore. I need food! I am going to sit on this pole until I can find something to eat.

Oh my gosh! That pheasant is huge. What could it be? It is going to make a great dinner for me.

I have to wait for the right time to pounce on it. My talons are ready to pierce its large, breasted body. I have to plunge on it at the right time. On three I will drop. One, two, three.

I got it. It starts croaking but in a raspy way. My talons start piercing through its skin and go deeper and deeper and deeper into its flesh. All of the sudden, I hit its rib cage; my talons put holes into the ribs. It is trying to gasp for air but it is late. Blood starts gushing out of the holes. Within seconds later I feel its heart stop and its head drops.

Yes, food at last for me to indulge. I will take it back to the pole and eat it. No one will bother me anymore.
Tomorrow will be another adventurous day for me. What will my dinner be? Maybe you!

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