Staying Alone | Teen Ink

Staying Alone

April 25, 2014
By Echo-Flynn BRONZE, Arkedelphia, Arkansas
Echo-Flynn BRONZE, Arkedelphia, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Little girl come out of the shadows. Yes I see you. You need to work on your hiding places. What are you doing in the desert at night? And all alone no less? Oh you’re lost. Well come by the campfire. It’ll be dawn soon and I’ll take you to the nearest police station. No you don’t need to tell me your story. I know how hard it is to say you made a mistake. Yes the desert can be eerie at night but it’s the best place for me. Why you ask. It’s a long story but if you really want to hear it will pass the time.

It the best place for me because I’m walking death. I don’t mean to be. Don’t mean to hurt others and don’t try to. But my presence kills them. Don’t worry you’ll be fine. We won’t be around each other long enough for me to do you harm.

I was always this way. Cloaked in death. I didn’t understand it for a long time. People around me just sort of shriveled up and died. No obvious causes they just grew old really fast. I don’t know why or how. Nobody really does.

I’ll skip most of it and just start it at 16. I was in foster care then. I was in the city walking when people started noticing something. The flowers in the pots next to where I was walking where shriveling up. Turning brown and dead and then turning to ash. They looked on in shock and when I turned around I panicked. I should have known better. I had been noticing this a lot and knew that when I panicked it got worse.
My panic fed my powers and every plant within a mile started to die. People near began to get dizzy and sway like trees in a hurricane. One policeman saw me looking scared and thought I needed help. I feel worst about him. My powers where so out of control that when he touched my shoulder he began to whither. He died in less than a minute. That got people’s attention.

I ran. People began dialing 911 faster than I knew was possible. A couple of brave policemen started chasing me. I was so afraid I could barely stay awake. Barely keep myself afloat in a sea of death. I turned a corner and ducked into an alley way. I sat down and hid trying to calm down. Deep breaths. It’ll be all right. I’ll be fine.

I was shivering in 75o weather. The day had started out sunny but now a weird black gray aura had covered the area. I would have stayed there longer but some-one saw me and screamed that I was the one. I jumped up and started running. I had just gotten on Main street when I realized that there where police on all sides. I was terrified. Then something weird happened. The blackish gray mass surrounding me expanded then converged on me. It formed a tight bubble around me. One person touched a gun to it and the gun turned to ash.
People kept coming closer and closer. They gray black bubble swirled around me. No one could get in. I could not get out. Panic grabbed me and I was crying. I held myself tight and sat down in the center of the bubble. Calm down I told myself. But I couldn’t. It just wouldn’t work.

I felt something new. Anger. Grabbing me. The bubble around me tightened and shrunk. Then the mist crawled inside me. And know I was furious. I began walking forward propelled by anger. The police where now as afraid as I had been. I raised my hand ready to end them. I was ready to condemn them for their fear. I don’t know what stopped me. Maybe it was pure exhaustion. But I got tired. I swayed and tottered. I closed my eyes and opened them. The destruction around me was gigantic. Destruction I hadn’t noticed before. I turned and ran. I came here. I’ve been here ever since.

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