Legend | Teen Ink


May 2, 2014
By Colton Yates BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Colton Yates BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Dystopian Marvel

The book Legend by Marie Lu has definitely earned its placed among the most memorable dystopian novels. Marie Lu does an excellent job detailing the journey of two very different characters with similar purpose. You can tell from the beginning that these two are meant to be together and their destiny is to bring the Republic back to its glorious state. As you read this book you get so immersed in the detailed adventures of Day and June that you feel as if the book is glued to your hands. After you finish an excerpt from each character you literally can’t put the book down. The detailed accounts and verbiage used throughout the story is unsurpassed. Also the way Marie Lu has Day and June interact can be seen almost as a mirror image to Thomas and Tess in The Maze Runner. They seem like the perfect match. However all the reviews that I have seen are not sugarcoated like this. There are plenty of reviews listing the plot deficiencies and character flaws that seem endless. Especially in the one review I looked at on GoodReads by Marg K. She was adamant about these things, but I would have to respectfully disagree with her. Legend should not be seen as a novel with these flaws. Plot twists and adventure are around every corner in this book. This novel can appeal to anyone, even people such as myself who do not enjoy reading. Legend is a great read with a cliffhanger ending leaving you hoping and restless to read the next book Prodigy.

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