Swept Overboard | Teen Ink

Swept Overboard

April 14, 2014
By Anonymous

“No, No, you can’t take us! It must be a mistake,” I pleaded with the government official. Death had quickly claimed the lives of Mother and Father. I now stood weak and frail before a very large government official.

Before long, William, Katlin, and I found ourselves aboard a very large ship. “Elsie, where are they taking us?” cried William. “Don’t cry William. We are going to an orphanage. Maybe you will make new friends,” I tried to reassure him. “Elsie,” Katlin protested, “I don’t want to go to a silly orphanage! I’ve heard stories about orphanages. The people are really mean, and hardly give you anything to eat, and there are rats and snakes, and, and, and.” “Don’t worry,” I tried to comfort her. “Those are only stories. Not all stories are true.” “Come, let’s explore the ship. Maybe we shall find some other children.”

As evening began to approach, the sky darkened and storm clouds covered the sky. The wind picked up and the waves increased. It soon began to rain. “Hurry, William and Katlin let’s find shelter from this storm!”

As the ship was tossed about by the waves, we searched for shelter, only to find there was none for orphans. As other passengers crowded inside the ship we were forced out onto the open deck where the sea raged. The waves were so high they almost reached the railing along the deck. Suddenly, a huge wave washed up on deck. Before I realized what was happening, I was being swept away from Katlin and William, and into the cold, dark sea. “Help! Help! Someone help me,” I cried frantically. It was no use, no one could hear my voice over the roar of the sea. I struggled to stay afloat in the cold, raging sea. I clung to a floating log for dear life. Were Kaitlin and William swept overboard too? I searched frantically in the dark waters, but found nothing.

After many hours, the long dreary night was over and the storm had passed. The ship which brought me to this horrid place was gone. There must be no hope for me now. Who knows what lurks in these dark, murky waters?

For three days I drifted helplessly in the sea with no sign of land or another ship. Suddenly, I saw something approaching in the distance. I began to call for help. As the object approached, I discovered it was a shark, not a ship! I was so weak and frail. I had nothing to eat for days. There was no way I was going to be able to outswim a shark. I was so overcome by panic that I lost strength and slipped under the surface. I sank helplessly into the depths of the sea. Soon, I became unconscious.

“What a beautiful young woman,” I thought to myself. How did she end up here? She is unconscious! I must paddle quickly to shore and build a fire. She must be very cold and weak after drifting in the sea. I paddled as quickly as I could. I feared I would not be quick enough. Quickly, I ran my ship aground on an island. I built a fire near the shore and began to set up camp, for it would be evening soon. I brought the young woman near the fire and tried to warm her up. Then, I began to prepare my catch of fish. As I did so, she awoke. I arose and rushed to her side. She was deeply frightened. I comforted her and explained that I was Prince Edward and had been fishing when I spotted her. I asked her who she was and how she had ended up in the sea. She explained,” My name is Elsie, I was headed to an orphanage with my brother, William, and sister, Katlin, when a wave swept me overboard and into the sea. I don’t even know if Katlin and William are still alive! Thank you so much for your kindness to me. I’m sorry you had to go to so much trouble for me, I’m only an orphan.” “Don’t be sorry Elsie, I am very glad I could help you. I will take care of you and keep you safe. If you wish, tomorrow, I will take you to my castle and we shall marry.” We then proceeded to eat my catch of fish together.

The next morning, I took Elsie and we traveled together to my royal palace. Upon our arrival, my parents, King Joseph and Queen Sofia met us. “Son, where have you been! We’ve been worried sick,” exclaimed my Mother. “Who is that?” I quickly explained, “I have come seeking your approval that we may marry.” “Marry that thing,” exclaimed King Joseph. “If you are to marry her, you are no longer worthy to be called my son! Didn’t we raise you to know better than to marry an orphan?” I was in despair for I truly loved Elsie. What was I to do? I quickly decided. “Mother, Father, I truly love Elsie and tomorrow, Elsie and I will marry.”

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