A Rough Start to California | Teen Ink

A Rough Start to California

May 11, 2014
By Anonymous

I have been waiting for this trip for almost six months and it is finally here. About a year ago our friends got a job promotion and had to move to California, San Jose. A couple months after they got there and settled in they called us and asked us if we wanted to come visit them and they would pay for all of our plane tickets. We planned on the whole family to go but my dad decided not to go and work instead, my sister doesn’t like flying and my brother just did not want to go. So my mom and I still decided to go because we thought it would be nice to go on a trip with just the two of us for once.

The day has come, I actually get to go to California its always been a dream of mine. My mom and I are packed and ready to go and 30 minutes ahead of the schedule. We go to the car and my mom forgot her keys inside so she goes inside to get them. About five minutes went by so I go inside to see what is taking so long, and she can’t find her keys. At this point we are both scrambling around trying to look for them because we don’t want to miss the flight. At the last minute I found the keys on the table under a dishcloth and we were gone. They only bad thing was that we were majorly behind schedule. We had an hour drive to Orlando and only had 45 minutes to get there.

When we got there we parked the car and then got out our boarding passes and passports. Now we only have thirty minutes until we board the plane and we still have to get through security and get all the way to our gate. After about ten minutes waiting to get cleared through security we remember that we are flying first class and we have premier passes. So we jump in the other line were no one is and through. We final got to our gate and made it on time.

We mad it to San Francisco. So we get off he the plane and go to the exit of the airport so we can look for our friends that are picking us up. We waited about thirty minutes then assumed she probably just running late because she had to load up the kids and that could take awhile. After about and hour and a half we give her call but her phone is either dead or off. So we walk around a little and look at little shops and boutiques. So we were stuck there for four hours but in those four hours my mom and i looked around and took pictures. So it wasn’t as bad as it could have been.


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