The Missing | Teen Ink

The Missing

May 19, 2014
By Oscar Arellano BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
Oscar Arellano BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Missing
“My name is Cris Doyle and this is day one on the adventure to find the secrets behind John Gonzales missing body. I am making a documentary to bring back actual evidence of what really happened.. A year ago from today in the Amazon forest an explorer named John Gonzales went into the Amazon and never came out.”
“We are over this beautiful body of water heading towards the Amazon forest. Before going into the jungle I want to talk to some of the villagers to get some information and see if they know anything about John. I’m an explorer I was born in the United States in Seattle, Washington.”
“It’s 5:30pm, and we finally landed and I’m walking around asking people questions about John. Hello, excuse me sir, can you tell me a little about this man, his name is John Gonzales, have you seen him around here?” Cris shows the man a picture of a white guy with blond hair and blue eyes, with a button up shirt. John was a built handsome man with a square jaw. John had a scar that went from the middle of his fore head down his left eye. “He went missing a year ago and I want to know why.”
The man stayed quiet, for everyone in the village is afraid to speak about the story behind the Amazon. The man calmly walked away and Cris continued towards the hotel. “Nobody wanted to tell me any information about the disappearance of John. It seems like everyone was afraid to talk about it. Well I’ll try again tomorrow it’s time to rest for tomorrow.” Cris turns off the camera and heads to his hotel.
“It’s day two of the searching for John, and I’m feeling kind of lucky today. I’m going to ask some questions to some of the villagers in town.” Cris grabs his camera and heads for town. “I have tried to ask three people already and no one wants to talk to me.”
A tall man with long hair that looks built walks up to Cris, “Hey! Don’t go to the forest they will get you, don’t go!” Men from the village start to pull him away and take him in a house.
Cris walks back to the hotel. “That was strange, today some crazy guy walked up to me today and started screaming not to go into the forest. It makes me want to go even more now. Tomorrow I’m going to start my hike in the forest to search for any clues as to where John went. Tomorrow’s a big day.”
“Its day three and I’m going to start the search in the forest.” Cris walked into the forest with nothing more than a camera and food supplies that will last him two days.
“Wow! It’s beautiful here, seeing all the trees and birds. This place sure is paradise. I’ll begin my search heading south from the village.” Cris walked for hours and ran into only trees and birds.” It’s getting dark I should make a camp.” Cris builds a little shelter out of big leaves to sleep under and starts to eat a can of beans.
“I walked for four hours and still haven’t seen any sign of John. It’s dark already so I’m going to call it a day and try again tomorrow.” Cris turns off the camera and lies down on the big leaves.
Crack! Scared, with his adrenaline pumping like a race car, he quickly turned on his camera. “Whose there?” A little rock gets thrown at him, “Whoever you are, you better stop!”
Grrrr! The sounds were loud and aggressive. It sounded like it was something big that was making the noise. Something that wasn’t afraid of Cris, something that was at the top of the predator hierarchy. Hours went by and there were no further sounds.
Cris stayed up all night until the sun came up, wondering what that was last night. Cris turns on the camera, that he had turned off to save batteries. “I wonder what that was, it was way too big to be any of the predators around here. I wasn’t able to catch it on film, but there was a definite something that attacked me last night.”
Cris had an uneasy feeling ignored it, and grabbed his things, and continued his search. He kept walking north from the village pushing leaves and cutting them down out of his way. He jumped over logs and trees that had fallen over. Cris tripped on one of the logs and stumbled down a hill rolling fifty yards down a forty five degree hill.
After he stopped rolling, he looked up and noticed a cave with a huge opening. Cris walked into the cave, it was too dark to see what was inside. Cris goes in to investigate. As Cris walks in he keeps on hearing cracks on the floor but he ignored it and kept on going. Cris was stepping on something and caused it to crack but he ignored it. At the end of the cave Cris sees a light.
“I found this cave and I’m continuing my search for John. It’s too dark to see anything, but I can see a light, I’m going to check it out. Oh my lord!” The camera shows a tall man looking person with hair all over its body, with glowing yellow eyes. He screams out in fear alerting himself to the predator. The beast is so big Cris has to look up to him, it is about 7 feet tall with a big wide head. Cris looks at its feet and noticed they could fit in size fifteen shoes. There was also a dead monkey by his feet that the beast was eating, there was blood all over the floor and the intestines were hanging out of the dead monkey’s body.
Cris turns around and starts running back. He tripped over something and noticed there were bones all over the ground. “Oh my god, There are bones everywhere! This is their feeding ground!” Suddenly there was stomping, the beast was running after him. Cris gets up as quick as he can and starts running. Cris notices something that was at the opening of the cave, but it was too far to see what it was.
As he got closer he noticed it was another beast. “Ahhh!” Both of the beasts picked him up and carried him back into the cave. The camera falls down the dirt. Through the camera all that can be seen is Cris being carried away by two massive beasts. He was struggling to get away and yelling for help, but he faded into the darkness.
A man with a scar running from the middle of his forehead to his left eye with a strong jaw comes out of the cave, picks up the camera, and walks back into the cave.

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