Stick, Stone, and Sam | Teen Ink

Stick, Stone, and Sam

May 18, 2014
By JohnPaul69 BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
JohnPaul69 BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the town of Oden stood a tall mound of sand. The sand on the mound had not moved in all the years it has been there. Through tropical storms and gusty winds, it stood. The town elder, Stick, was the wisest of them all. He knew everything there was to know about anything. He had a son, his name was Stone. Stone was a boy of talent and performance, he was strong, big, swift, and dexterous. One day in the town of Oden a storm struck the town. It lasted for six days, then finally on the seventh day the storm got worse. It was dark. The rain still pouring and the lightning striking. The clouds were all buddle up to make one giant grey fluff in the sky. The streets were flooded and water running between cars, houses, and everything in between. The clouds began to formal in a spiral formation around the mound of sand in the middle of the town. The people of the town watching from inside their homes. Stick and Stone stepped outside, Stick in his loudest voice told the people of the town to not fright, for the sand will not move and the storm will disperse. The moment he finished his sentence, a fierce bolt of lightning darted down the cylindrical formation of the clouds and struck the mound of sand at its peak. The lighting looking blue and containing more energy than anything Stick had witnessed before. A huge explosion resulted from the lightning striking the sandy peak. The blast shook the town and rattled every home. A plethora of clouds fled through the streets blinding every person’s sight. When the smoke lifted everyone ran to the mound of sand. I was no longer there. All eyes were upon it including Stick’s and Stone’s. The only thing that remained was a two sided hammer. The hammer gave off an ominous yellow glow. Stick followed Stone to the hammer. Stone bent down to pick up the hammer. Stick then placed his hand on it and within seconds the two could feel its great and mighty power. This power was unlike anything else. The two then broke the hammer in half giving each both Stone and Stick one whole hammer. The next day the storm had completely cleared and the wind blew slow. The people of the town had gone back to their normal lives, but there seemed to be something wrong. Stick and Stone seemed a little unusual. This odd behavior of smashing things and yelling and signs of greed and jealousy began to set in. The two got to a point where one night Stone grabbed his hammer while Stick was sleeping, he crept over to Sticks bed and raised his hammer high above his head. Stone throws his hammer down towards Sticks head, but right before Stick was struck he reached for his hammer and blocked the attack. This began a large brawl between the two, both matched using the power of the hammers to draw battle. Even the two were not hurting each other they were both inflicting damage and pain upon the people of the town of Oden. This fighting continued for six whole days, and on the seventh day there stood only one more villager. He had been the only one not killed in the battle between Stick and Stone. The survivors name was Sam. Sam had lost everything in the storm and fighting that he did not have a single thing left, only his life. In a desperate attempt, Sam tried to leave the city, in order to avoid death. I was a song journey through rubble and debris, he came to the place in the town where the mound of sand once stood. While Stick and Stone were distracted Sam snuck over to the sand and wrote something in it. After which he decided that this was his home town and that it were his duty to defend it. Then Sam reached to the ground and pulled a sword from it. He then pointed it to the sky and screamed directly at Stick and Stone his quote in the sand. He exclaimed, “Stick and Stone may break my bones, but my hope will never fail!”


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