wish come true | Teen Ink

wish come true

May 29, 2014
By garrett agee GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
garrett agee GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was another typical day. I had waken up to begin my school day by brushing my teeth, getting dressed, fed myself then my dog Bowser and out the door my brother and I went. If you’re a fan of little dogs than you probably won’t like Bowser. Bowser is that big pitbull everyone is intimidated by. It was in third hour while I was taking my Psychology test that my phone began to ring. I quickly, but nonchalantly glanced to see who it was. Oddly enough, even though nobody was home it was my house phone!
I thought to myself, “someones in my house that isn’t supposed to be there… then ruled that out because I had locked the doors behind me after I had left for school.” After class I tried to call back but there was no answer. I told my brother about it and he jokingly said, “Maybe it was Bowser Garrett.” We both looked at each other and started laughing. I told him “I wish I could talk to animals or even just Bowser!”
Later on that night it had started to rain as my Iphone predicted it would. The rain went from nice and calm to more of a severe thunderstorm. Just like any pet Bowser came running to my room scared of the storm. “Come here buddy” I murmured to him. He then gave me a rather weird look that I had never seen before. A few moments went by. Bowser breaking the silence spoke to me and said, “Garrett you didn’t let me out this morning like you were supposed to.”
At first I just sat there on my bed, jaw dropped down to the floor with eyes wide open in disbelief. “Is this really happening right now?” I said aloud. Bowser replied saying “Yes, and more importantly I had to let myself out since you forgot. Do you know how much effort that takes Garrett?” Never would I had imagined being able to talk to my dog. Still completely in shock I asked him, “How in the word are we talking to each other, this is not supposed to happen!”
Bowser exclaimed to me, “You are the one who made it all possible Garrett. Earlier today when you said that you wish you could talk to animals or even just me, well you got that wish.” I asked him, “then who called me earlier today?” Your dad came home for lunch and was gonna call you, then hung up because he realized you were in class.
My eyes lit up. I yelled loudly, “this may be the coolest day of my life so far! I mean how many kids get to experience this in their lives?” That is when Bowser told me, “zero. You’re the only person in this world that has had an actual conversation with an animal.”
I asked him, “am I allowed to tell anybody?” He simply replied, “you can do what you want. After all, we would not be having this conversation if you never wished for it to come true.” So just like anybody else I had to spread the word. After I realized that everybody would be able to understand what my dog was saying I picked up my phone and tweeted the whole incident. Then as I refreshed my timeline I realized after I saw my tweet that nobody was going to believe that me and my dog could talk to each other.
I looked at Bowser and asked him, “you like attention don't ya? I have an Idea that will spread this stunning wish come true like wildfire. Two words, THE NEWS! He didn't think it was as good of an idea as I did. I told him, “sure it is dude!”
I leaped up and looked up the nearest news station. I found the directions, put them in my GPS and ran excitedly to to my car. Instead of telling Bowser to come to the car he just followed me and hopped in the front seat like anybody else would! After we both got in the car we looked at one another and just started to laugh hysterically.
He says “This is a lot nicer than riding in the back, think I could get a chance to drive it?” “Bowser you may be able to talk to me but I don't think I want you driving my car… at least not yet!” I put the car in reverse and headed to the new station. We got there and at first they were telling us their cast was full, but when Bowser began talking thats all that it took to get our spot we needed.
We got a news story on Fox Two News that night at nine! Nine O'clock came around quickly. It was our time to shine. I introduced myself then following my lead was Bowser. I could not imagine peoples thoughts about what they were hearing and seeing. Its not everyday you see a talking dog on the news!
It took about fifteen minutes to finishing telling my story of how this came to be. From then on were the best days of my life that I shared with my dog Bowser and making other kids wishes come true to talk to their dogs like I do with mine!
So those best days of my life with Bowser were short lived. No, he didn't die. He got out one night, or more than likely walked out the front door. He left a note that read “found myself a princess of a dog, thanks for the wish kid, love pet Bowser. That was the last I ever saw of him. I guess you could say all that talking got to his little doggy head after all.

The author's comments:
fiction pieces are more enjoyable to write.

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