The Author | Teen Ink

The Author

September 30, 2014
By Anonymous

Bark Bark! The neighbors dog had been barking for hours on end, and their 16 year old son was blasting death metal in his room. I rubbed my temples and looked at the paper again. I had only written 5 sentences, and I was aiming to finish my first draft of that chapter within the week. At that rate I’d never finish!
So I decided I needed to take action about my annoying neighbors. I went to an army surplus store and bought an EMP grenade, a dart gun, and a small pocketknife. Then I went to my local store and bought sleeping pills. I headed home, a plan already formulated. I walked into my house, threw my EMP and dart gun onto the couch, pocketed the knife and walked into my kitchen. I grabbed my mortar and pestle from a shelf and got to work grinding the pills.
When a few of the pills were a fine powder, I mixed them into a can of wet food and threw it into the neighbors yard. Once I heard the dog eating the wet food, I got to work on the rest of the pills. Then, I went on the internet and found a recipe for a serum made with the pills I bought that would instantly put people to sleep. I mixed it up and filled three of the darts from my dart gun with said serum.
I grabbed my EMP and walked out the door. I circled around my neighbors house and looked through their back door. I saw Mrs. Bell chopping peppers for dinner, and Mr. Bell watching TV. I slid the door open and hit both of them with a dart. Both parents dispatched, I slipped upstairs and saw the door to their sons room, slightly ajar. I snuck up to the door and threw it open. He was laying on his bed watching TV on his tablet. He didnt even notice me come in. I hit him with a dart, and he passed out, still on his bed. I pulled out the knife and used it to cut all the wires in his speakers, and snapped his tablet in half and threw his phone into the pool in their backyard. I pulled out the EMP and prepared to drop it to destroy all the electronics in the house, but realized I had already destroyed the electronics I wanted to.
I walked out of the house and grabbed the still sleeping dog. I looked at in disgust it was a small, white curly haired dog, but it was as loud as can be. I gunned it out of that neighborhood and drove for an hour or two, until I saw a non-kill animal shelter. I went in, said the dog was a stray and left. I drove home, content in my victory.
Re entering my home, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked crazy, my mid length black hair sticking every direction, but the most surprising part was my eyes. They were lit with a fire I had never seen before. A gaze full of loathing and hate, but happiness too. That did not bother me, I had a story to write. I sat at my old desk and began to work.
The next week I turned in the first chapter of my story, and waited. The next day, my boss called me up and said, “The work you turned in yesterday was an unacceptable mess, this is your third terrible piece of work, we're going to have to let you go. I’m sorry.”
“What?” I asked with a trembling voice. It was too late. He had already hung up. I sat heavily on my couch and buried my face in my hands. My life was over.
That night I tossed and turned in my sleep, having nightmares about that day. When I woke up I felt terrible, and angry. My sleepy mind was working in overdrive to try to find a solution to my problem. I knew I was low on money, and I knew I really didn’t care what happened to me anymore. So I decided to try and rob a convenience store.
I went to the nearest 24/7 convenience store and ran in with a ski mask on. I rushed to the front counter and screamed “Gimme all your money!” The man behind the counter was massive.
“No,” he said simply. That was the last thing I remembered.
I woke up in a prison with massive headache and a black eye. I looked around and began to panic. “OH NO OH NO!” I whispered. I looked back at the last week of my life and wondered, “how did it come to this?”

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