The Blade | Teen Ink

The Blade

October 28, 2014
By Connor Seifert BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
Connor Seifert BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Roger Reed, I was shipwrecked here 2 years ago. There was a crew of 23; I was the only survivor. When I arrived at the Island I thought I was alone. I was wrong…
2 years ago… As the ship named the The Blind Terror prepared to leave the harbor, a messenger came with a message for the captain. He, wore a big, blue jacket, and looked frightened as he handed the letter to the captain, he said, “This is for ye” and quickly ran off.
As the captain vigorously opened the letter he whispered it to himself, “Captain Blackbeard, our spies have discovered information that the British Royal Navy has found your position and are coming. I recommend you leave while you still can.” Sincerely, William Bradford. As soon as he was done he screamed “Get on board as quickly as ye can or you’ll be thrown to the sharks!”
This is where I come in, I am the 1st mate, the second in charge. I was in charge of the crew and the course of our ship. As the Captain boarded the crew got to work.
The crew started singing Leave her, Johnny, Leave her, “Oh the times was hard and the wages low  leave her, Johnny, leave her, and the grub was bad and the gales did blow and it's time for us to leave her…”
About 3 weeks after we left we encountered a ship with black sails, like ours, but this ship was in ruins. “Was it the Royal Navy?” asked one of the crew. I looked at the captain, he was pale with fright, and his fists were clenched together. I asked him what was wrong, he responded with a grunt, then pointed at the stern of the ship, where you could vaguely make out the words “Devils Doom”... This was the captains brother’s ship, Blackbeard’s brother…
“Turn the ship around, we’re heading to Singapore!”
About 3 days from Singapore we hit a squall like I’ve never been in before. It rocked us back n’ forth, back n’ forth, over and over until our mast collapsed, immobilizing us, then nothing… It was pitch black, you couldn't hear anything, not even the waves crashing up against our starboard side.
I woke up, a few hours later and tried to get up, but I couldn’t, the captain came up to me with two of the crew and pulled the mast off my right leg, which was crushed.
All of a sudden we heard a faint whistling sound. Then out of nowhere something ripped a hole in our port.
“We’re under attack!”
“Cannon fire!” screamed the crew. There cannon fire was so loud you couldn’t hear the person screaming next to you.
One of the crew screamed “They’re boarding!” then there was a bright flash and he dropped to the ground. While they were fighting I managed to gather enough strength to get myself off the ground and off the ship, into the water.
I managed to swim to a floating piece of debris just in time to see the captain decapitated… As he fell to the water I passed out from the intense pain of my leg.
I woke up the next day with a massive headache. I looked up and saw the green branches of palm trees. I slowly got up and realized I was on an island. I started looking for supplies like food and water, and found a few coconuts and crabs to eat.
After rehydrating and filling my stomach I found a cave. It was somewhat warm and dry so i decided to gather wood for a fire, and palm leaves for a bed. 
After that my shelter was set up I started to search for a piece of wood of something to splint my leg, after that was finished I made my way to the shore and found a rifle, a few pistols and some shot.
After about 3 months I discovered a military camp which turned out to be the crew of the ship that destroyed ours, the HMS Interceptor. I had no shot left, so I pulled out my bowie knife and snuck around the outside of their camp, and came up behind one of them and slit his throat. I hid the body in the bushes and proceeded with the others until their was no one left.  I grabbed their shot and powder and made my way back to the cave.
It’s been a year now, and I am very familiar with the island now. I have made a map, set many of traps for the british, and they’ve been searching for me. I have killed dozens of their troops but they just keep coming. It’s only a matter of time till they find me...
Its been about 2 years on the island, the British have become more bold, they sent 30 soldiers to kill me a few days ago, they chased me to the end of the island, a full 30 miles. I overheard the soldiers talking about me and they call me the “The Blade” because I ran out of shot and powder a long time ago and have been using my bowie knife.
I was walking through the forest when suddenly, 4 British soldiers surrounded me. They raised their rifles, pulled the hammer back, then there was a flash, and the four soldiers fell to the ground. It was William Bradford, with a few of his crew. Bradford took me back to his ship and as I climbed on board I saw an old man with a long black beard… it was Blackbeard!
“I saw you die! You had your head cut off!”
Blackbeard replied, “Yes I was, but I’m back so stop your talkin’ and get back to work!”
“The Interceptor, it’s moving to attack formation.”, shouted the crew.
“Battle formation !” said Blackbeard, as the crew moved to the cannons they did not sing.
They fired back and forth at each other, over and over. As the smoke cleared, the HMS Interceptor, was destroyed, along with its crew, and as they were sailing away in Blackbeard’s new ship, the Queen Anne’s Revenge, a ghostly ship came up out of the water like a breaching whale and then nothing, the wreckage of the Interceptor was gone, along with its crew...

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