The Machine | Teen Ink

The Machine

November 2, 2014
By Anonymous

“Yes! I am finally done with it”. Its been 5 long years and now it’s done. Hey I’m Jimmy and I just finished the machine that could turn any animal into another animal. Now I have to test it. I open the door and walk inside the machine. I changed the settings to bear and I push the button.Nothing is happening. I keep pushing the button and still nothing happens.I walk outside my house and everybody and everyone starts to scream.I didn't know why everyone was screaming I look at my legs and I see brown hair. I run back to my house and look at the mirror. ‘’I am half bear’’ I shout. I walk around my house and I hear a sound “BOOM”. I run to the machine and i see its on fire. “It took me five year to make it and now I am half bear”.

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