Star Child | Teen Ink

Star Child

November 6, 2014
By Philippe Deschaux-Beaume BRONZE, Santa Clara, California
Philippe Deschaux-Beaume BRONZE, Santa Clara, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Born from the stars, Serlim is chosen from a handful of people to live like a god for the rest of his life. This may sound great but there is a catch. Whoever is chosen to live like gods, they cant have any contact with there family making it awful. The up or downside to this is that they can control anybody’s life. One Morning Serlim is playing on his new Iphone 6 when the LLGA ( Live Like Gods Association) wanted to talk to him. “ Serlim get in here.” Says his dad. “Ok” says Serlim. “ You have bin chosen to become a or live like a god!” Says the LLGA. “It’s ok I will like to stay with my family.” Answers Serlim. “ I’m sorry I don’t think I made it clear, you have to become one.” Says the LLGA. “No” Says Serlim. “Fine.” Says the LLGA. The LLGA pulls out a gun and shoots Serlims family. “ Now the only way to see your family is to join us.” Says the LLGA. “Why would you do that?” Asks Serlim. “Because we have to.” Says the LLGA. “Fine I’ll go.” Says Serlim.


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