Alone in Catles | Teen Ink

Alone in Catles

November 18, 2014
By KingMarcusII BRONZE, El Cajon, California
KingMarcusII BRONZE, El Cajon, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Everything i do is my first name! Why?

    I sat alone in my deserted prison kingdom. i was immortal to waste thousands of years of hopelessness. I was unkowing of teh world evolving around me.

    time passes and i still just sit in the same position for trthe past 100 years. i began to rot out and become one with my surrondings. i forget many things like my name, who I am, Where I am.

    My eyes began to stop blinking and i have a clear view of only what is happening. i could not speek and could not hear and i grew only larger and my chair bigger.

     The year was 1781 and my castle or kingdom, i forget was dark, darkness groomed my castle with excrooshiating evil. The only good was in my heart. I thought to myself, but i forget how to think, what was I thinking about, how can you think, what made me think.

     Finnaly by the year 2004 when my city was found in what is now supposed to be Canada. Light finnaly reached my castle and it felt so good. i wish i could burst from this place. i was now 21'11. sitting as what they called me a monument Sades thhe god.

     i was to beleieve i was not fit for this modern world. if i were to burst from my rocky mossy shell, i could not comperend. i decided to take a risk and break free and be free soul. i satnd up breaking the mountan formed around me and my castle. the people around me looked so small but i was larger. they called a security breach and began shooting at me. i grab a giant sword and swoop it down at the people below. Blood squirts and suddenly the sky fills black, a storm. The god Polcides, comes from the skys to kill me to protect modern people and time.

     he swoops down and cuts my legs, his blood raged sword absorbed my power. he flew at me and cut me straight down my face. My last breath came upon and i came to live the life after this one

    "thank you" i say

The author's comments:

to build a charcteristic story

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