Year of 2114 | Teen Ink

Year of 2114

December 11, 2014
By patrick_p_d BRONZE, Lawrenceville, Georgia
patrick_p_d BRONZE, Lawrenceville, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Can you help me?”, sobbed Taylor. That was all she could ask at the moment. It was the year of 2114 and it was every man for themselves. What was known as the United States of America had been transformed into a sick and twisted nation. Women against men, child against child. No one felt that anyone was doing good in the world and the idea of killing them was ubiquitous in everyone’s head. They felt killing was their only answer.

Taylor was just in a fight with one of her former classmates. Her and Taylor were never friends and had arguments everyday. Once this new nation was formed, Keri, her classmate, gave her a vulture eye stare. Taylor could have melted by the power her stare gave off. Taylor instantly knew she had to watch her back. Also her furtive friends. They could turn on her at any time. So Taylor had been laid flat on the ground, missing teeth, bruised arms, and broken ribs. She laid there with a thought going rampant in her head that it was all ending right there. Then she heard a voice that had confidence in it. “Get up now!”, said the voice. She just ignored it and felt herself dying. “There’s no hope”, she said feeling despondent, “ It all ends here.” Taylor felt someone pick her up. She screamed as the pain intensified on her chest and on her back. She cried for so long until she realized it was getting her nowhere. Taylor had a motto once and it was that when you’re weak, crying makes you weaker.

Taylor later on found herself on a hospital bed. It was strange because all hospitals were burned down. She overheard nurses discussing over her condition. “She is in bad condition.” one of the nurses mentioned. Taylor had felt that her ribs were healed and the bruises were gone, but teeth were still gone. Taylor got up and stood and looked at them. She hadn't noticed she was exposing her body until she felt a breeze flow on her skin and goose bumps appeared. She heard a familiar voice, it was the one who picked her up. She tuned around and it was a large, muscular man with a mini beard. He had told her that he was recruiting rebels to start a revolution to end this chaos. “I never applied for this.”, she explained in a stern tone. He ignored her and said, “Just listen to me and everything will go back to the way it was in The United States of America.” Taylor knew nothing would go back to normal. She laid back down and remembered how this happened and desired revenge. She got up and reached for a needle, but the nurse snatched it away and looked at her. The nurse didn't have to say anything for Taylor to know to put that down. Then she heard a lot of rumbling and gun shots. People were falling and begging for mercy. The man came in and told Taylor that it was up to her to make the rebellion. She could see blood coming down his face and he was barely recognizable. She asked what his name was out of curiosity. He was puzzled and answered John, but then he fell and he was resting in peace. Taylor had to leave and she did. Not one scratch. She wondered how this was going to happen, who was going to help, and the big one, where were her enemies? She had a lot to worry but she took two things out the hospital. A shotgun with loads of ammo and a bullet proof outfit. She was ready and was willing to kill anyone in her way. Even though she just met John, she felt he was a friend. 

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