My Paper | Teen Ink

My Paper

January 5, 2015
By Anonymous

  Everyday I go to school my friends and I make jokes about going to lunch, buying a cookie, then throwing it into a big crowd of students and yelling “Go get the cookie!” I’ve been thinking about doing it, but I haven’t gotten to it yet. I know I’ll get to it this year though.

  Mr. Johnson always gets a bucket of balls and takes it outside and we think it’s boring, although we sometimes get one. So what we do for recess is take turns buying a cookie from the school lunchroom to put it in our pocket and wait to go outside with it.

  When we get outside, we go out into the field and we play Frisbee, 500, and Keepaway with the cookie.
  For Frisbee you don’t throw it like a normal frisbee, you have to throw it harder. My friends and I throw the cookie to each other back and forth, usually having someone fall down trying to catch it.

  For 500 we throw the cookie as hard as we can and yell either 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500. If you you throw the cookie and yell 500 and someone catches it they get to throw next until someone catches a 500. but we don’t kick it like the actual game 500 because it’s pretty obvious what will happen.

  For keepaway we choose one person to go on each side and three people in the middle. The people on the outside pass it to each other while the people on the inside try to catch it.

  When the bell rings to go inside we either walk to the door or race to the door. I’m usually the first one there from the field.

The author's comments:

Best Story Ever!

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