Into the universe | Teen Ink

Into the universe

February 2, 2015
By TylerHomie BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
TylerHomie BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life to the fullest

I snap awake. Its pitch black and cold. Cold enough that my nose is starting to build up icicles. I get up to no light, no warmth, and no family. I’m all alone. Not another human or animal. I go to open up the heavy steel unbreakable blinds to reveal the light. One push of the big red button, and the blinds creak open with the sound of a buzzer. As they do start to open, shimmers of light start to skim in. As the blinds rise up, It reveals the tsunami of stars with different colors everywhere. Purple clouds of gases and different shaped planets big and small. This is Outer Space, deep in the Cosmos light years away from my home.
I haven't always been in space. Back in January 18, 3033, the new NASA project launched. It was Mission-16459, otherwise known as Nova-338. The mission then was to get moon samples from our newest moon, Big Red. We had three moons. Big Red, our original one that we still called the Moon, and Lunar.
There was a problem with Big red. It was highly explosive. If it explodes, our Earth will be ok because its shielded all the way around. It can withstand five hundred nukes which is what the explosion will be like if Big Red is combusted. It could happen any minute. So, they had to have their most experienced astronaut  to go on this live or die mission. That was me. Toby-A13 part of unit 17 of 30 out of earths units. I knew I needed  to do it. I have been training for this mission for 20 years. It is my destiny. I climbed in the silver rocket that was 300 feet tall with an engine the size of a 7 story building. I hit the big blue button that launches me off and I hit warp speed. I was there in 5.8 seconds.
It was a rough landing on Big Red. It has a glowing red surface, but it wasn't boiling hot. It was weird. It kept getting brighter. So bright I had to put up my viser. It didn't seem to help. I got my samples, and as I was heading back to my ship, I felt a tremble. I heard Big Red start to growl. I knew it was exploding. I had to get out of there as fast as I could. Bright red beams started to shoot up. It was magnificent. But, I knew I was gonna die if I didn't get out of there. I got back on my ship, and set my coordinates for Earth. There was only one problem. In a rush, I set the coordinates not for my Earth, but for Earth-3245. Thats not even in my galaxy!
I was hyperventilating. In shock not knowing what I should do. We started building up speed. I look out the window, and everything is still, then I shoot into warp speed. Lines of light go by me as i'm speeding through space. I'm going so fast I fly back, hit my head, and knocked out. Out cold. Unconscious in my ship...alone.
I’m dreaming. I'm floating in a black vortex. I see figures. They look familiar. I cant seem to make out what it, or they is. I see...a family. But, the dad is missing. The little girl is crying. And the mother is trying to comfort her and make her stop. I then realize, Its my wife and daughter. I’m the missing father. I figured it out. I need to get back to my family. I need to get back as fast as I possibly can. I then snap awake. I rush to the controls and switch on the engine. My journey to be reunited with my family has now begun.
As I am dwelling around in space, I see the mass waves of light and color. Everything is astounding; purple planets, pink stars, and colossal asteroids. But, all I can think of is my family. Who knows how long its been. It could be days, weeks, months, even years. Heck I dont even know if the blast shield worked and Earth is still there. All I know is, I have to try. I need to travel through space and time to reach my family. It’s a long journey ahead, but I’m up for the challenge to get out of the Cosmos.

The author's comments:

ive always loved space, so it inspired me to wright s tory of me exploring and discovering space

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