The Horrible Snow | Teen Ink

The Horrible Snow

March 4, 2015
By Landon Skidmore BRONZE, Km, North Carolina
Landon Skidmore BRONZE, Km, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the winter 93 and the news reporter said it was going to snow close to three feet . every kid in the neighborhood was excited about the snow, so they all got ready and went outside and waited. Its was about 9:30 P.M. when the snow started to fall. My mom made me come inside because it was getting late. When i woke up the next morning i tried to open the door but it wouldn't open so i climb out of the window. Every kid was outside building snowmen. There was a snowman in every yard. That night there was a flash of purple light that nobody could explain. That morning everyone was outside and all the snowmen were gone, so all the kids were looking for them. After about 10 minutes a faint voice called out and said i “ i found the snowmen”. Everyone took off running, all the snowmen were in a circle on the ball park. Little Tommy ran on the field and went to grab his snowman but out of nowhere Jessicas giant snowman grabbed Tommy and ate him. Every kid in the neighborhood started to run to there house and went inside and told their parents but they didn't believe them. After a little while the kids came outside and made a plan to kill the snowmen. They all grabbed a baseball bat and started to hit the snowmen. They killed all the snowmen except one and it was Jessicas. The kids started to swing at him and then he fell. Then the snow started to move and out came tommy. After that day the kids never build another snowman.

The author's comments:

A random story i thought of in class


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