Stranded on Antarctica | Teen Ink

Stranded on Antarctica

March 11, 2015
By Anonymous

His house was made of gadgets, in fact it was a gadget. Andrew had built a house of metal gadgets upon a cliff over the Southern Ocean, north of Antarctica. Although it could float, no one would dare approach the house, as they thought it was full of evil. It was a time of famine within the Unnamed Country, so as King of the Unknown, he selected one fourth of the population and deported them to Antarctica upon a ship built out of gadgets. These people became known as the Deported.

For the past 7 years, the Deported sought vengeance and looked for opportunities to get back to their country. Andrew knew that the only way to get back was to rebuild the ship that had been lodged in one of Antarctica’s bays, yet he was unable to convince the Deported to help him, and was therefore unable to rebuild it. The Deported would go nowhere near the ship, for it was what had brought them to their current state of misery.

Over the past 7 years, the Deported had developed a liking for fish, but they worried about polar bear attacks day and night. They lived in igloos to trap their warmth and melted clean snow to drink fresh, cool water. The fires that were lit only stayed alive for seconds before flickering out, so they usually ate semi-cooked meat. The only undying heat source they had was the boiling rage that resided within them.

One day, several of the Deported fell ill and died just hours later. This was the first time there had been a death since the first month of arriving to Antarctica. Andrew knew that this was his only chance to persuade the other Deported to help him rebuild the ship.
And he succeeded. Everyone but the young and the elderly had agreed to help him rebuild the ship, for it was a desperate time. They were all sure that their population could decrease at a high rate so the worked as long as they could.

After about two weeks of work, the ship was out of the large crevasse, and almost half rebuilt. But now tools were disappearing everyday, the ones that were necessary to fix the ship disappeared or lay broken within the ship. Everyone was angry about this because when they finally discovered a way off Antarctica, someone or some people had decided to sabotage the plan.

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