Return of bobby | Teen Ink

Return of bobby

March 12, 2015
By Bob Jenkin BRONZE, Bobby, Alabama
Bob Jenkin BRONZE, Bobby, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The 8th graders from Mistview Middle School were so excited to go to the Washington D.C. Deandre Jordan, Alexander McKinley, Harley Benoit, Garret Bernard. were really nervous about the trip, because they had never gone outside of state, ironically they all got in the same group for the hotel. The next day all the teachers were telling the student to get in a single file line to get in their assigned bus number and they were of. Some of the students were very anxious to get there some just slept while other played on their phones. It took them four hours to reach the hotel. The kids quickly went to their hotels to drop their luggage.
The kids in Deandre Jordan’s group thought That Deandre was a little suspicious so when he went down to go with the group they decided to go through his bag, but there was nothing doubtful in his bag. so they decided to just go down. Their first stop was the Washington Monument where they got a tour of the whole monument They had a wonderful day at the monument and when they came back everyone was exhausted so they went to sleep. The next day Alexander woke up early because he still wasn’t to sure on Deandre’s bag he thought there was something weird in them so he checked once more and the inside looked much smaller than the outside. He felt the bottom and sure enough it wasn’t a solid bottom, do he lift it up and there were bizarre objects, some were sharp, some were vials of different colored liquids and right next to them were pictures of different people some had a line going them and some were pictures of Senators and the President! He quickly went back to sleep and decided to tell the others in their group afterward.
Once everyone woke up he decided to tell the others in the group all of the boys were shocked about this, they took out their phones and searched up recent news. The boys in the group were alarmed to find out that a murder by the name of Casper had escaped Juvenile Hall. The boys called the police as fast as they could and told them their situation and their next destination on where they were going to go. While they were at the Capitol Building a team of trained police officers came in and tackled Deandre Jordan to the ground. Alexander McKinley, Harley Benoit, Garret Bernard were taken to the police office for investigation. They were given the medal of honor from the President thanks to their bravery.

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