The Forgoten | Teen Ink

The Forgoten

April 3, 2015
By hdawg1234 BRONZE, Holden, Maine
hdawg1234 BRONZE, Holden, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Doctor somethings wrong.” I heard someone say faintly, “Her pulse is growing faint.”
Where am I? what's going on? Those two questions that came to my mind. Another two questions to be answered: Who’s this doctor? and What happened to me? Ok let me think. Last thing I remember I was walking home from the diner where my mom works. A van had turned the corner behind me. It had slowed down and drove right next to me. I had started running when I did the van had started speeding up still stayed near me. I had quickly turned into an ally hoping that it would help me escape from the van. I had heard the van screech to a sudden halt. The doors had opened. Fast foot steps were close behind me. I remember that it was a dead end. I had looked to see if there was a ladder or something for me to climb but there was nothing only garbage. Then something had flown over me and had dropped something.
I remember it hitting my head. Hard. I remember after it hitting my head that something strange had happened. I started looking around me again. Instead of seeing garbage I saw my escape. I had started making a weapon of some sort out of the materials laying on the ground.
I remember that the weapon was something like Iron mans arc repulser glove.

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