Breaking Barriers | Teen Ink

Breaking Barriers

April 26, 2015
By Cole-C BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Cole-C BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I ran down a dark alley way, the French police of the 1500s chasing me. I dove head first into a muddy puddle, going to a empty limbo. I saw an intensely bright light, and was whisked away to a city millennia later, filled with towering glass structures. I arrived with a flash, along with other people around me. A handful of humans had developed the ability to go through time, needed to correct past events. I casually strolled to a wall of water, and walked through, landing in an office chair, facing a grim looking man.
  He said, "You have heard of the disturbances in ancient Egypt. Our most powerful agent has gone rogue and is attempting to cross to 1550 bc. He believes that the Hyksos should've remained in power and never wanted Egypt to prosper. His name, is Henry Salg. He has killed off the ancestors of experienced time travelers so that they cannot stop him. You are the only one strong enough to go back that far.”
“You need to travel back in time to stop him. He will stop at nothing and is prepared to kill you. Kill at sight and do not hesitate. If he succeeds in killing Ahmose, Egypt will never grow, will never invent new technologies. This could cause the earth to descend into war, everywhere. The human race could die out! Go through time. Stop Salg, and save everyone.”
The director snapped his fingers, causing my chair to dissolve. I was sent to a storage room full of weapons. I selected two small pistols and strapped a knife to the inside of each arm. I went to the clothing part of the room and grabbed what was under the 1500 bc. section. I also snagged a jar of peanut butter in case I was there for a long time. I had to calm myself as to not get lost among time. If you lose concentration during your water leap, you still arrive, yet you begin to fade and flake away to a dark empty space forever. This fading was especially prevalent when going very far in the past or future. I had to be very careful when traveling and would go in century intervals. I slowly walked to a pool of rippling water at the end of the dark, expansive room. I stopped in front of the water, considering that I might never make it back. Die in a foreign land, and cease to exist. No one ever knew me if Salg killed Prince Ahmose. No one ever knew generations of people. I stepped into the water.
I shot through time in seconds, seeing glimpses of war, speeches, and ancient lifestyle. I soon reached my destination, 1550 bc. I dropped in an alleyway that was relatively secluded. I needed to find clothes that matched this time period. I peeked around the left building to find a busy market place, with vendors yelling out their prices and deals. There was a puddle that I dove into, appearing behind a man selling linen. I furtively looked around, and snagged a robe, two apples, and crept away. I hurriedly donned the robe and leaned against the muddy wall. I drew a knife to cut the apple and dipped it in the peanut butter, as time traveling makes you ravenous.
I bent down and grabbed some mud from the ground to smear on my face and hair to blend in with the locals. I formulated a plan to make Ahmose take over Egypt. I went to the sane puddle and traveled back in time to when Ahmose’s father, Seqenenre Tao, ruled. I landed in the Egyptian city of Thebes, “City of the Sceptre.” I walked through the dusty streets not getting many glances, looking like a noble or wealthy landowner. I spied the Luxor Temple and headed towards it to meet Seqenenre, a friend who I had often conversed with. I walked up the numerous lime steps up to the temple. I walked through the temple, spying gorgeous plants, cascading fountains, and picturesque scenes and statues.
I spoke to guards watching a luxurious room, and said, “I would like to see Seqenenre, from Faenir Sefra.”
“You may enter,” the guard commanded. Seqenenre was inside with 9 year old Ahmose, talking about their kingdom. I said, “Seqenenre, I am sorry I cannot stay long, but I need you to train Ahmose to fight and how to command an army. I need you to do this, Egypt’s future hinges on Ahmose!”
“Faenir, I understand,” he slowly said, “I do not pretend to know what is going on, but I will support you. I bid you the best of luck.”
I bowed and sprinted out of the room and stepped into one of the fountains. I headed back to the marketplace, intending to meet Ahmose, warn him of the danger, and hunt down Salg.
I stepped into a puddle, appearing on a large war boat riding along the Nile River. I sighted Ahmose standing proudly with his brother, Kamose, staring off the prow. I decided to participate in the war as I knew Salg was, but I would not use modern weapons. I uneasily hobbled towards the armory, nearly falling twice. I opened the door and saw so many weapons! I selected a sturdy looking bow and slung it and the quiver over my back. With it I grabbed two short swords for close combat. I also put on a leather set of armor that would protect me and allow me to move somewhat freely.  Finally having my sea legs, I stood next to Ahmose in silence.
Ahmose finally spoke, “I remember your visit when I was little, and your tales of the future.”
“Yes,” I replied, “I need to protect you from someone, I cannot tell who. I would also like to stand by you in this upcoming battle.”
Ahmose responded, “All help is welcome. See you on the battlefield!”
With that I dove off the boat and appeared astride a horse next to Ahmose, rushing to meet the Hyskos charging to a bridge across the Nile. I spotted Salg charging with the Hyskos, appearing furious. I drew a knife from its sheath on hip and threw it towards Salg’s heart. He splayed his fingers and the blade vanished, appearing inside an Egyptian’s torso. He retaliated with undergrowth rapidly growing underneath my horse’s feet; tripping  him and sending me sprawling. He lifted a clenched fist and I felt myself fading, sent to a dark space, seeing glimpses of past and future events, trapped by walls of time.
  I spotted Salg, stilled, trying to control this alternate part of time. The events formed barriers that could kill, fade in the real world. I had to break free, break this illusion, break Salg. I saw an illusion of two desperate armies, vying for control of Egypt. I saw Salg and I, intense expressions on both of us. Battle-torn warriors on each side, sweat beading from Ahmose’s brow.  A sword thrust into someone’s chest, desperate expressions plastered on the doomed’s face. I peculiarly saw myself fade, which sparked an idea. I pressed against the barriers, calming, focusing on my destination, shattering them. “Home,” I whispered. I pulled out my gun and shot at the Salg in the past, and saw a bullet speed to the Salg facing me. As he saw the bullet, all history stopped. The bullet looked as if through syrup, creeping towards Salg. As the bullet sped up, the images resumed, and I felt a blade open my chest, sending blood splattering. The bullet hit Salg and sent him reeling, and I knew he had died. I saw a last snapshot of my family living happily, my empty grave, before darkness enveloped me.

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