Mad Scientist | Teen Ink

Mad Scientist

May 8, 2015
By Robert Busch BRONZE, New Haven, Missouri
Robert Busch BRONZE, New Haven, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                   The Mad Scientist

I had always wondered what lied upon that hill perched above our small town. My name is Max and I am a long time resident of this town. My family had lived in Marmount for 48 years and had no clue what happened in that house on top of the hill. Some say that a mad scientist lives there and has created an elixir that allows him to live forever. The people that have been brave enough to visit him have never returned. I often wanted to discover if the scientist did exist and if I could foil his plot ,like a hero from and novel. Little did I know I would soon regret my decision.

One boring summer afternoon me and a group of friends decided to investigate the old weathered house. Little did we know what what we would see left us flabbergasted. My friend Jem was the brains of the operation, he was the tech wiz. He would know if the house had any elaborate form of security and how to crack it. Julie was the perfect assistant to me and also had a comedic side. We had met in 5th grade with the same vested interest in discovering what lies inside, but enough backstory.

We had to get down to business. As we walked quickly down the long twisted drive, I remember hearing this blood curdling scream and I wanted to investigate it, but I shivered at the thought. Once Jem had heard this he decided to go back, he did not want to find out what had made that noise. What could have possibly made that scream? I just had to find out. As we got to the house Julie and I exchanged glances. We found that the door was mysteriously opened and unlocked. Almost as if someone had been waiting for us. Despite the strange occurrence of this, we pushed on through the doorway into the bleak hallway. I decided that it would be best if we stayed together as we traveled down the hallway. So as to not get lost. As we made our way,we both saw a strange glowing green light at the end of the hallway, Julie and I hesitated for a bit, but when we heard yet another scream, We knew we had to take action and check it out. We started to run towards the strange light when I heard Julie give out a high pitched scream.

“Julie!” I cried out as I felt something ice cold puncture in the skin of my shoulder. “Ahhhhhh!” I screamed as I looked to see a metal syringe sticking out of my right shoulder. Despite my initial reaction, I knew I had to continue on. Half way towards the light, my vision began to blur. I continued to push forward, until I could not longer to stand. I collapsed with a thud on the floor, my vision going dark. It seemed like hours before I was awoken to the sound of screaming. I quickly opened my eyes and turned to see a mad scientist, his hair and lab coat covered in blood. Next to him strapped down to a metal table with some kind of contraption on her head was, Julie! I could not believe what I was seeing . Then I began to ponder, if that had been Julie’s voice then who had made the other. I turned to see a white pale lifeless body on the floor next to Julie. The body of a young boy! I knew in that very moment if I did not try to rescue her, she would surely go the same way!

I tried desperately to stand and go towards Julie, but found I could not move as rusty wire cuffs were holding my ankles and wrists in place. That was not all, however. I began to feel a strange swishing motion against my back. I curiously turned back to see I had grown a tail! A slightly furry long tail. I could on stare as I made the tail move slightly. I let out a whimper. Meanwhile the mad scientist seemed to be preparing for something. He was busy hooking in various wires in place, distracted by his work. Sensing my chance, I tried once again to break the locks on the cuffs with my hands, but I could not. Suddenly, I get an idea. Taking my tail in my hand, I took the tip of it, stuck it into the lock and twisted it until it was broken. When I had broken all four of the locks, I found myself with a sore tail but at least I was free. I stood up and went to Julie and tried to unlock her from the table with the same method. However I was interrupted when the scientist came behind me and tried to grab me. Before he could however I attacked him first in a bloodthirsty rage. I was not sure if it was the injection or what, but I had become extremely aggressive, fighting and fighting until I found I had the scientists limb body in my jaws, my teeth stained in blood. After dropping his body, I once again tried to save Julie. After breaking off the locks, Julie backed away from me, screaming. I tried to comfort me but she bolted for the door screaming “ah get away monster!”

Monster? I did not understand why she had called me that. Were we not friends and had I just risked my life to save her? Confused, slowly I turned around back to the door, when I caught a glimpse of myself in a broken mirror. Standing there in torn up clothing was not a normal teenage boy. I was inhuman. In my reflection I could see that I had paw like hands and my hind legs of some animal. A reptilian like tail tucked under my body. I could see my face had changed. I was now sporting a blunt muzzle with sharp bloody fangs and my ears were pointed. At that moment I realised something, while I may of saved her, Julie was right. I was no hero. I was a monster.

The author's comments:

I wrote it for my 12th grade creative writing class.

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