The Majors | Teen Ink

The Majors

May 13, 2015
By Anonymous

I am ecstatic!  I am going to register today to play my favorite sport, fast-pitch softball.  This will be my second year playing and the best part of all, I get to be with all my friends again.  This year, we all move up from Minor B to Minor A, or as I call it, “The Pitcher’s Mound” because this is our first year with pitchers that breath and don’t require an extension cord and outlet!

My Mom finally got the call from Coach Kid to show up tomorrow for evaluations.  No problem, we get there and I see my friend s Ash, Cassandra, Jennifer, Melissa, Anna and Peanut along with a few kids I don’t know yet.  We did drills and we slugged.   We caught balls, we threw balls, we pitched balls and then my bed was calling my name as I was tired and sore!

About three days later my parents get a call from a coach I have never heard of!   All I could hear was that there was this Coach Wallenburg on the phone telling my parents that she would like your daughter to play one level up….yes, this was The Majors.  After my parents saw the frightened look on my face they told her they would have a talk and call her back.

Great, I don’t like change in the first place, so many things I don’t know what’s happening.  First, I would miss my friends.  Second, I don’t know anyone on the team.  Third, I don’t know if I will like the coach.  Fourth, I don’t think I’m good enough.  Fifth, I don’t know any of the new rules.  Sixth, the kids will all be older than me, Seventh, I’ve never had a real pitcher before….Ninety-ninth, I’m scared. 

My parents listened and said take a day to think about it. And after a long night of talking back and forth and finally coming to the conclusion that it will be good for me.

So, I was now on the Majors.  I even got to choose between jersey number 3 or 9.  I chose 3 like my Dad, but he played baseball.  Our first practice was a week after the good/bad news.  I got to Fee Avenue practice field and I couldn’t let go of my Mom’s arm to step out into the field with the other players.  I was nervous and had butterflies in my stomach.   I felt like I didn’t belong here.  Finally, I saw a face that I had seen before!  It was Chrissy’s mom, which meant, Chrissy was here!  I’ve only met Chrissy once before but all my friends said she was super nice.

I wish I could say I blew them all away with my skills and talent but they were all just better players than me and they had all played together before.  This was really hard as practices went on.  I even had a teammate say that I was just a sub and not really part of the team.  This really hurt and then she saw my hurt and  talked to me and her name was Kendra, another teammate who never played before but was older so we had a lot in common and now I have a friend on the team.

It was our first game day.  I was very nervous and so I was glad to sit out the first 3 innings! Finally, Coach Magic sent me out to right field.  I thought to myself, ok, I can handle this, balls don’t pass short stops too often and not too many people hit to the outfield.  Good, I’m safe.   So the next batter up was a Blondie with a pink helmet and so far had 2 strikes and 3 balls.  Suddenly, CRASH, she smashed the ball and now it was coming right to me!!!  Panicking, I   took a step or two forward, then I felt something hit my glove, and then I thought it must have fallen out!  Suddenly, I realize, huh, my glove is kinda heavy and when I brought it up to my face, I just realized “I CAUGHT IT!!!!”  I caught it the crowd went wild as I threw it back to the pitcher!  When we finally go the third out and returned to the dugout, all my teammates said “Good Job and great catch!!!”  Then at that exact moment knew was just right for the majors.

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