Florida | Teen Ink


May 12, 2015
By Matthew1234567890 BRONZE, Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin
Matthew1234567890 BRONZE, Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
ball is life

Rachel had always wanted to go to Florida. She lived in NY and her parents never had the money to travel anywhere. One November day, Rachel was walking to school and saw the sign just down the block from her house with the really tan people lying on the beach. Across the top there was a bold Florida. It reminded her every day of her dream. She turned the corner and saw someone leaving a bank. She noticed a large bulge in the woman’s pocket and realized she probably had a lot of money. Rachel slowly followed her until she turned into an alley. She sprinted up to the lady and tackled her. The lady fell and hit her head on the ground. Rachel checked to make sure she was unconscious, then reached in her pockets. To her delight, she pulled out bundles of $100 bills. She counted it all, and it was about $3,000.

She just stood there for a moment, deciding if she had done the right thing, and if she should tell her mom. She hadn’t really come up with a good answer to anything when she started running. First, she stopped at her favorite store and picked out a nice outfit, a small bag, and a swimsuit. She put the outfit on, put the swimsuit in the bag, and took a taxi to the airport. She had never been to the airport before and didn’t know it was so busy. She was glad she had just turned 18 so she could buy a ticket. She found the Southwest Airlines booth, because that was what she always saw on commercials, and bought a ticket to Florida. The flight was in an hour. Trying to be on time, she hurried through security, wearing her new outfit, and boarded the plane five minutes before it took off.
It was quite an experience on the plane, because Rachel had never been on a plane before. When she got to Ft. Myers, FL, she got a taxi to the beach. When she arrived, she was happy she had finally made it. She tried to block out what she had done earlier as she put her swimsuit on and got in the water. She didn’t notice the Jetski as she started walking out into the water. The Jetskier didn’t see her either. Soon they collided. All that effort was for nothing. The End.

The author's comments:

I was wanting to go to Florida so I wrote a story about someone doing the same.

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