The "Hero" | Teen Ink

The "Hero"

May 21, 2015
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was a hero greater than any in the land. It was said that he slayed the entire kingdom of the dragons, that’s at least 50 dragons. He wore gold plated armor fashioned by the kings blacksmith himself. As a child, this hero had always wanted to be a great and powerful man but he lacked the courage. So as you can imagine, he was no hero at all. All the stories about him were not true. What kind of many could kill over 50 dragons? No one, that would be crazy. But that did not stop the children of their kingdom from looking up to him as their idol.  The women all wanted to be with him, the men all wanted to be as awesome as him. He was the only one who knew his secret. Besides the king, the king knew too. So he and the king were the only two that knew his secret. The king had devised this plan because he knew his armies were weak and wouldn’t stand a chance if they were attacked. So he thought, what better way than to protect his palace than to make up a fake hero? All the other lands would fear them to the point that they would have no desire to attack them. For the last five or so years this plan had gone perfect until the got a message from the high king saying that there would be a hero showcase. Showcasing the worlds greatest heros. This frightened the king because well, his knight was a fraud. None the less, the king decided to attend.

The next week they set out on their journey for the high kings palace. It was only a two day journey, but it seemed like years. Alexander once not one who was quiet so he talked, all the way there. Even when the king tried sleeping, there was Alexander blabbing on about meaningless topics. Finally, after two of the longest days of the king’s life, they had reached the palace. It was far bigger than their own.  They were greeted by the high king and his court and were offered food and drink after their long journey. Inside the hall was a huge feast. The other knights and their kings stood inside and bowed the Alexander, for they thought he was a descendant of God himself. He enjoyed all the paparazzi he received. After their meal, the High king spoke to everyone,
“ Thank you all for joining us today here at my palace. You all have made great journeys to be here. Now it’s time to put your true skills to the test. You will all be put through a series of test and whoever comes out with the best scores, and alive, will win and be crowned the greatest knight in all the land.”

Alexander could not sleep that night knowing that he was going to look like a fool the next morning. The first test was sword fighting. He had only used a sword once in his entire life and that was when he had to cut a turkey. After that it was horse riding. He hated horses, he thought them disgusting, smelly creatures. What was he going to do? He didn’t want to lose his fantastic reputation. After one hour of sleep, it was time to get started. He showed up to his sword fighting event. When he got there a courier showed and said that his opponent had actually died from the flu that night. So by default, Alexander won. The next event, horse riding. Alexander mounted his horse and it began to run and jump through the course all by itself. Alexander didn’t have to do anything besides sit there. It was a miracle. He scored a 9/10 from the judges. Things seemed to be going pretty smoothly. By the end he was in the top three. The last and final event was to kill a dragon. Alexander lost his mind. He had never killed a dragon let alone even seen one in person. Since he was 3rd, he would go last. The dragon was at least 20 feet tall. It had green scales with large horns on its head. Its claws looked razor sharp. It could breath fire as hot as the sun that could melt your skin right off. The first two knights died trying to kill the dragon so now he was really freaking out. As soon as the dragon charged him, he took out his sword and held out his blade. As it would happen, the dragon had actually tripped over his own tail and fell face first onto Alexanders blade and died. The crowd cheered and roared for him.

The High king rewarded him with his title and gave his kingdom lots of gold and riches. No one would ever know Alexander’s secret and he would always and forever be known as the Greatest Knight in the land Alexander, or Alexander the Great for short.


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