Fairy Tale Twist | Teen Ink

Fairy Tale Twist

June 3, 2015
By smkiehle BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
smkiehle BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm not gonna listen, thats not the right thing to do. Cause one day you'll say I love you, and I'll end up lying and say I love you too."

There once was a girl named Isabel, and she was a servant for the queen and king of England. She secretly loved a Prince named Charming in the West castle, but he had already fallen for the Princess Snow. Princess Snow was beautiful, kind, and caring. Like all Princesses, Snow had the most beautiful voice (so she thought). When she sang, it was like an angel. Prince Charming was engaged to Snow, and Isabel became very jealous.
One night Isabel had a dream. In the dream, Prince Charming was staring at the beautiful dress Isabel was wearing. She was wearing gold, and her servant's name was Snow. In the dream, Charming walked up to Isabel and said, will you marry me? But right then, she woke up feeling depressed and heart broken, for she knew she would never be like the Princess Snow.
That same day in the castle, she was making dinner for her family, and she glanced out the window, seeing Prince Charming the Prince of the West Castle. He was riding on a horse and coming toward the castle. Knowing that she wouldn't be needed she went back to working. As she worked, she would think. She would think about one day, having Snow as her servant, and Isabel riding off with Charming. That thought made her smile. She smiled while she worked.
The next day, Isabel was walking through the forest to pick some berries and flowers. She liked going into the forest alone, it was peaceful and it was a place where she wasn't a servant. She began to sing, as she sang all of the forest animals listened, for Isabel had the most precious, most beautiful voice in all of England. It just so happened that Prince Charming was riding through that same forest, about one mile away. He heard her voice, and changed direction. When he finally found her, she was dancing with rabbit, (not knowing the bunny, could really talk). Not wanting her to know he was there, he just sat and listened. Isabel danced and sang with the rabbit, she sang of heartbreak, love, mysteries, and curiosity. Isabel turned around suddenly, and spotted Charming behind a bush; taking it as a shock, she screamed.
“ Please don't be afraid, it’s just me, Charming. You know me, Isabel.” Said Charming.
“You know my name?” Isabel asked in surprise.
“Why of course I do, you are Snow's servant” After he said that, Isabel became very upset.
“You're right, all I am is a servant, I am nothing more to you, am I?” Isabel replied, in an agitated voice.
“You are much more to me, you are beautiful, and you have the prettiest voice. Me and Snow do not love each other, we have to marry, I have to for my father. I have loved you since the first day I met you.” Charming said. Isabel did not know what to say. She stood there, think her thoughts over in her head.
“I-I-I, think that Snow loves you. It would break her heart if she knew you were faking, I love you too.”
They were sitting together, in the forest and he told her about a story called tomorrow, it was,
“There was a girl, and a clift. Everyday she would go to that cliff and she would look out into the sky. She would think of all the things that could be, and all the things she ever wanted. Everyday she would get a little closer to the edge, and one day she got to close. She fell, but she flew. She flew to tomorrow, a place where everything came true, and you do whatever you want.” At that moment, he said, “Lets run away together, lets go to tomorrow.”
Isabel thought about it, then slowly agreed.
“We shall go tonight.”
At that moment, the white bunny, that Isabel had been dancing with, hopped away to the castle.
“My Princess, my dear Princess Snow!! Your Prince, The Prince Charming fool, is in love with your servant. They are running away tonight! Do something, so please do something quick!” Snow was shocked, she might have thought he would marry another princess, but Isabel?! No, it couldn’t be! Snow became blind with rage.
“I won't believe it until I see it with my own eyes.”She had an idea, if this was true then she must take care of her, so she said to the bunny, “I must kill Isabel! I must kill her, to have my Prince. Charming cannot know about this bunny.”
“Yes, your majesty.” Said the bunny, regretting his decision. He loved Isabel, the whole country did. She was beautiful, but she was also a servant. 
Charming and Isabel were walking together late , in the night. When they thought everyone in the castle was sleeping. All of a sudden, Snow came running at Isabel with her face red as a tomato. All Isabel could see was her mascara running down the beautiful Snow’s face. Snow stopped running when she was only 3 feet away from the new couple.
“I know you danced with my rabbit, and I know of your plans to sneak off together.
What were you thinking! You are a servant, and I am a princess, no one would choose you over me!”
“I love her, she is pure. She is nice, kind, and reliable. Im sorry, Snow.” said Charming, who was now locked into Snows rage.
“I hate you.” Just then, she took out a knife that had been hidden under her dress, she went after Isabel in no time. Charming, stepped in front of Isabel, just as Snow was about to stab her. Charming then said,
“If you are to kill Isabel then you must kill me too.”
All of the screaming woke up the Queen. She walked outside and asked what in the world was going on.
“Mother, mother! I was just coming out for a stroll with Charming, when Isabel came out, and tried to stab me!”
The Queen was in awe. She never expected Isabel to do this, so she said,
“Isabel, is this true?”
Isabel looked at Charming and he said, “Your majesty, Im sorry to inform, but it is not Isabel who tried to kill Snow, it was the other way around. Me and Isabel were trying to go for a walk in the moonlight and your daughter tried to stab Isabel.” The Queen now, was very confused. She could not believe what she was hearing. She believed her daughter, and ordered for the guards to take Isabel to the dungeon.
It was dark in the dungeon. Isabel could hear the rats scurrying across the floor. She was thinking at any moment they could come for her. She had prayed for her Charming to come but then she heard the voice of him from the other side.
“Isa... bel, is that you?”
At that moment, Isabel burst into tears. “Its me Charming, where are you?”
“ Im over here....in the corner.” Isabel ran over to where Charming was. He felt weak, and he reeked the smell of blood.
“Oh, Charming, are you okay?”
“They beat me up, trying to protect you, the queen said.... she said I wasn't worthy for her daughter anymore. I said I was... fine by... that.”
“Oh, Im so sorry. This is all my fault.”
Charming then said he had talked to Snow about why she had done this. She had said,
“ I did this because, I wanted revenge. Don't you think I know Isabel has a prettier voice than me? I knew you loved her from the minute you protected her from my blade. Did she tell you about how she became a servant? Her parents died in her arms. We were there for her. I wanted her dead from the minute she walked through these doors. I wanted you from the minute I saw you riding through the forest.” Isabel could see Charming’s tears running down his face.
It was probably the middle of the day, not that either of them could tell, when the dungeon door swung open. It was Princess Snow.
“I didn't hear any crying, and got worried. Now, Charming and Isabel; let me tell you a story. There once was a beautiful Princess named Snow, and a handsome Prince named Charming. They lived happily in the Western castle, they had a servant named Isabel. Isabel did everything Snow asked her to do, and Charming thought she was a vile creature. He hated Isabel, and thought she was selfish and greedy. You see Isabel, it's just not right, servants and Princes, never love each other. Its just not right.” Isabel and  Charming became very upset now.
“Snow, be quiet. You just can't accept the fact that I don't want to be your servant, and I love Charming.” Isabel felt powerful.
At that moment, Snow said,“Then why don't you and Charming leave, do me a favor and never come back.” Charming and Isabel, looked at each other, and stood up. Then they both stumbled out of the dungeon without a noise.
They were halfway through the forest when Isabel looked at Charming and said,
“Snow was right, this isnt right. You were supposed to marry Snow. I will continue, but you must go back and live your life as a Prince. I cannot let you be a burden to your family.” Isabel was now crying, and Charming took his hand and placed it on her face, he then said,
“ I will never leave you. I love you, come live with me at the castle. Either that, or we can go into the forest, and live there.” Isabel thought, and she decided that if she returned, then she would have to live with the thought of his parent not loving her as much as Snow.
“Charming, your parents will not love me, and I cannot live with that. You must go and marry Snow. You must forget about me.” At that moment, Charming slowly walked forward, going farther in the forest,
“Aren’t you coming?” Isabel smiled, and walked with him. She finally got to feel powerful over Snow, she was never thought of as Isabel the servant, but Isabel the Princess.
It was only a few years later when Isabel and Charming, had the joy of 2 girls and 2 boys, their names were : Elena, Caroline, Stefan, and Damon. They lived in a cottage in the middle of the forest, where it was beautiful in the summer, and beautiful in the winter. It was all Isabel ever wanted, and she was glad Charming didn't choose to live in the castle and mary Snow.
Adaline and Logan were the Princess Snow’s children, for she soon married a Prince from Southern Isles. They had stayed in her castle, as they would until she was to see Charming, the real one she loved.
One day, Snow took her children for a walk through the forest as she did everyday. Today, she decided to walk a little farther. She knew Charming and Isabel lived in the forest. She still wanted to take her Charming back. She went to their cottage in the woods, and she walked up to their house and said, “I know I am the last person you would want to see, but I am here to offer you peace. I would like you to come to the castle for dinner tonight if you wish. It would be a joy to have you come and offer my forgiveness.” After Charming and Isabel thought about it, they decided they would go.
They were at the party, they would drink only water, and drink champagne at dinner, for it was tradition for them to only drink champagne for dinner. When dinner arrived, not only would they drink champagne, but Snow had slipped some Cyanide in the champagne. Cyanide is a poison that contains a salt that can kill people who take a dose of 1.5 kg, and it takes 1-15 minutes to kill one. Snow slipped it into their champagne and watched them devour the whole drink. A sly smile creeped across her face, as they began to suffer. She took their children outside and told them to play. She then told the guards to dump Isabel’s body in the lake, and to place Charmings body in the chamber where no one slept. After it was done, Snow took the children and told them their parents had left, and they wouldn't be coming back.
Snow offered the children a bed anywhere they chose. When they were sleeping, she walked into the room where Charming was, and sang the song they were supposed to dance to on their wedding night. She felt remorse, but knew Charming would never speak to her if she had just killed Isabel. She wanted the children, and she knew she would never be more of a parent then they were but she would try her best. She had the responsibility of six children now, and she would be a better mother than Isabel had ever been. She ended up being with Charming, even if he was dead. She won, she got the man, dead or alive. There was only thing that kept a smile on her face, Isabel had lost, and Isabel didn't have him, she did.

The author's comments:

What inspired me was my love to write, and it was a mix between Fairytales.

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