The Lost Adventures | Teen Ink

The Lost Adventures

October 9, 2015
By AbigailGarcia20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
AbigailGarcia20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“When are we going to find it?” Ruby complained. 
“We’ll find it soon. It sounds like it’s from underground.” I said, as my eyes frantically search for the creature. We’ve been searching for it since noon. The sun was starting to set, and the crickets and birds in this forest were making rather annoying music.  
“Ruby, I know we’ve been searching for hours,” Sapphire said. “But we need to keep looking. It could be right under our noses.” Sapphire was always the calm one. Ruby on the other hand, she had a temper. 
We kept walking as it was getting dimmer and dimmer. The ground beneath us shook, as the monster underground moved.
“Rose, are you sure we should be doing this now? It’s getting dark.” Ruby said. I knew she wasn’t fond of the dark.
“I’m sure we’ll be fine. Look,” I quickly pulled out three flashlights from my backpack.  “I brought flashlights.”
I looked over to Ruby as her brown eyes glanced towards mine. I gave her an assuring smile and she grabbed a flashlight, along with Sapphire.
With a click, we turned on our lights. The ground shook once again, but this one was stronger than the other ones. I lost my balance and stumbled to the ground, my sword scabbard hitting my side. My flashlight had fallen out of my hands and rolled on the other side of me. I quickly got up and went to pick it up. Then the ground rumbled again, with much a stronger force, only to make me fall to the ground again.
“Well, it’s definitely getting closer.” Sapphire spoke up. I look over to see that Ruby and Sapphire had fallen on top of each other. Ruby noticed this and quickly got up, her cheeks reddening. Sapphire had got up herself up before Ruby had the chance to help her.
“If it’s getting closer then we should keep moving.” I said, as I got myself off the ground.
We kept walking, as the ground shakes every few minutes. As we pass a lot of wildlife, we came across a giant sinkhole. The walls in it were crumbling, as if it just happened. Sapphire gets on her knees to investigate the scene.
“This happened not too long ago. Maybe the monster we’re looking for is down here?” Sapphire questioned, turning around to give us a small smile.
“Yes, it could be down there. But how exactly are we going to get down there-” I was cut off by the ground rumbling, making us fall, only to look over to see Sapphire being wrapped in the monster’s vine-like arm. She screamed out as the corrupted plant creature quickly drug her into the tunnel, her long blonde hair trailing behind.
“Sapphire!” Ruby and I yell in unison. I look over to Ruby, who has a terrified face.  She quickly gets up and starts running towards it, obviously wanting to save Sapphire. When she’s halfway to the tunnel, I get up on my feet, and tackle her.
“Rose! What are you doing? We-we have to save her!” Ruby tries to get out of my grip, but I tighten it. 
“Ruby, you do realize that going straight down there would be a suicide mission. We have to figure out a way to get down there safely.” I say, letting her go. She gets up, and brushes off the dirt on her clothes. I look around for ways to get to the bottom of the tunnel. I take my backpack off and place it in my lap. I dig around in it, in hopes of some kind of rope. After taking some objects out, I finally find a rope. I walk over to a sturdy tree and tie the rope to it.
“Alright, so all we have to do is climb down and get Sapphire. Then let’s hope we have enough energy to climb back up.” I look over to Ruby and she nods. 
“I’ll go first, since I’m willing to save Sapphire.” Ruby says. She puts on gloves, to protect her hands from the rope. She then starts towards the hole, and gets herself ready to slide down the rope. She hangs on to it for a few seconds, then starts glide down to the bottom. I wait until I hear the sound of her feet landing on the ground. Once I hear the sound, I start to go down the rope.
It gets darker and darker until the light from up above is just a tiny circle. I land on the ground, only to stare into pitch black.
"Rose? Did you bring the flashlights?" The voice startles me, but I know it's Ruby. I take the bag off my back, and shuffle my hands in it to find the flashlights. I pull them out and hand one to Ruby.  She takes it and clicks it on. Once I turn mine on, we start walking to where the tunnel leads. As we walk, we hear groaning echoing through the tunnel. For safety measures, I pull out my sword from my scabbard. The light pink saber glints as the flashlight shines directly at it. It was originally my mother’s but after she was lost in battle along with my father, I would have figured she would want me to have it.
As Ruby and I keep walking, we hear more groaning. The more we walk, the louder it gets. As it gets louder and louder, I walk faster, to find out what it is.  I shine my flashlight towards the ground, and find blonde hair. Behind me, I hear Ruby gasp, because that blonde hair belongs to Sapphire. Ruby kneels next to Sapphire as my flashlight shines around her. She only has a few scratches, but has a huge bump on head. And it seems she is unconcious.
“Sapphire? S-Sapphire you got to get up, we have to get out of here.” Ruby stutters, but doesn’t get a response from Sapphire. There’s a possible outcome that she has a concussion.
“Move over. I think I know the problem.” I shove Ruby aside and put my face directly above Sapphire’s face. Think sad things, I thought as I was attempting to cry. The battle, my parents, those monsters… My healing tears begin to trickle down my face and onto Sapphire’s head. The bump on her head glows faintly as it goes away. Sapphire starts to wake up, groaning as her blue eyes slowly open.
"Where.. am I? What happened?" Sapphire says, her eyes glancing around her.
"Well, the important thing right now is that you're not hurt." I say, standing up to help her get up. The ground shakes, pieces of the ground ceiling falling. Then I look over to see that the plant corrupted monster is running towards us. I shout at Ruby and Sapphire to get up, as it gets closer. I pull my sword out of its scabbard, and strike the monster. It makes a high-deafening shriek as three of the vine-like arms come off.
Ruby and Sapphire run to the opening of the tunnel where it leads to above. I lunge at the monster and plunging my sword into it. It screams and disappears into clouds of dust, knowing I have defeated it. I sigh
of relief as I put my sword back in its scabbard. I starting running towards where Ruby and Sapphire are. Ruby is helping Sapphire stand, considering I only healed her head.
"So, how exactly are we going to go up?" Ruby speaks up. "It's going to take awhile to go and climb the rope." We all look at each other, and I sigh, knowing we have to come up with a plan.

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