Everlasting? | Teen Ink


October 9, 2015
By Anonymous

   It was a warm place, as I stepped into the center of the planet Mentally Insane. The smell that filled my nose made my mouth water. Although the planet was called Mentally Insane it was a fairly quiet place. The trees blew where the food grew. The food was probably the best part about Mentally Insane. It was all homegrown. As I walked to one of the trees to get some bananas, Miss Ray showed up. I knew I was in trouble now.
“Tarzania what do you think you’re doing?” announced Miss Ray. She was my teacher. She always had her eye on me ever since I found out I had powers. Also since I decided that I wanted to find my parents.
“I thought I might get some bananas.” I replied with an annoyed sound in my voice. As I turned to see Robert eating a banana, he threw the peel at me. Robert was my best friend besides Katie Ann the little orphan girl I grew up with.
“How many times do I have to tell you that you can’t just go around eating all the bananas. Those one especially. Those are reserved for the special event coming up later today.” Miss Ray explained to me.
“It’s just one banana. It’s not like I’m going to eat all of the bananas.” I spoke with a very annoyed sound in my voice now.
“Also keep that monkey under control. He has been getting into all of the garbage then he goes to wash off  in the bird bath.”
“I’m not going to be here tonight, I’m going to look for some people.”
“Who might those two people be?”
“They might be my parents.”
“Well if you’re going to look for them at least take little Katie Ann.”
“Yes, Miss Ray.”
“Run along now I don’t want you and Katie Ann out too late.”
“Okay I’ll be home before supper.”
“Sounds great!”
As I was walking back Katie Ann ran out of the play ground. It was like she read my mind.
“Tarzania where are you going?”
“I’m going to look for…”
“Can I come?” Katie Ann asked before I could even finish my sentence.
“Of course. I was actually just coming to get you.” I said as I picked her up and put her on my shoulders.
“How did you know I would want to come?” Katie Ann asked from on top of my shoulders.
“I knew because you’re adventurous like me.” I said with a smile on my face.
“Is Robert coming too?”
“When doesn’t Robert come.”
“Yay!! Will you use your superpowers?” Little Katie Ann asked curiously.
“Only if I have too. Are you going to get cold or hungry tonight?” I asked quickly trying to change the subject because Katie Ann and Miss Ray are the only ones that know about my powers and I intend on it to stay that way.
“I’ll get a blanket and a couple of snacks from the kitchen before they start to cook diner.”
“Okay but hurry up, I don’t want to get in trouble for having you out too late.”
“Okay I’ll get it right now.”
“Meet me at the spot.”
The spot was where Katie Ann and I met before every adventure. I had to use my flying powers though to get there. Not many people know about the spot. That’s why I fly there so no one can see where I’m going. Katie Ann has a tunnel under her bed that no one knows about besides her and me. She uses that to get to the spot.
I love flying because it gives me a chance to really see the planet. I can see everyone in the planet. Some days I wish I couldn’t but other days like today I am glad I can. As I am flying through the sky there was a path to the spot I have never seen before and on the way to the spot there was a hole in the middle of the path.
A little girl popped out of the hole. The little girl was Katie Ann. Right as she popped out a big blob of something grabbed her and she was gone. I couldn’t make out what the blob was, all I knew was that Katie Ann was in trouble and I had to save her.
I kept flying hoping I would be able to find her. Than thoughts started to pop into my head. What will Miss Ray say if I go home without Katie Ann. That’s when I realized I wasn’t on an adventure to find my parents, I was on an adventure to help my little baby sister.
It was true, Katie Ann was my baby sister. She didn’t know that, but I remember coming into the orphanage with her in my arms. She was too little to remember. That’s why Katie Ann and I are so close. I had to find her no matter what. Even if it killed me I had to find her. I had already lost my parents, I can’t lose her.
The whole time I was flying I realized I was right above her. There was the blob and little Katie Ann inside of it. Where did this blob come from, I thought to myself. I saw my chance to get her. So I went down close to her and grabbed her out of the blob.
“Tarzania!!!!” Katie Ann screamed.
“Little Ann.” I cried hugging her. “There’s something I have to tell you.”
“ You're my little…”
In front of me stood a huge wall. I had almost ran into it.
“It’s okay Katie, It’s just a wall.” I explain, but when I turn around Katie Ann wasn't there. Where did she go now? I had just found her. How could I have lost her already?
“TARZANIA HELP!!!” I heard a cry from somewhere behind me. It seemed to me that it was coming from the other side of the wall. How do I get over the wall though? I asked to myself.
With the sound of Katie Ann screaming, it seemed as if my powers were going away. Right then I remember Miss Ray tell me there was a line around Mentally Insane that, if I crossed, would take all of my powers away forever. That wasn’t a chance I wanted to take, but if it meant saving Katie I had to take it.
I kept flying for as long as I could go, all of Mentally Insane was getting tiny. The sound of Katie Ann screaming was getting smaller and smaller, it almost sounded like a whisper.
When I finally got to the top, all of my other powers went away. All I have left were my flying powers. I flew down to Katie when I spotted her and picked her up to take her home to her nice safe warm bed. What I didn't know is that I had crossed the line and was about to not have any flying powers. I rushed to get to the top of the wall, but it seemed like it took longer to get to the top on the outside of the wall. I couldn't find out why. Finally I got to the top. Katie was getting cold and I was getting hungry. I felt like everything that I ever wanted had gone down the drain. I got ready to fly down  the wall but I wasn't flying. I soon found out that I had jumped and was on my way to the ground. I kept getting closer and closer trying to find a way to keep Katie from getting hurt. Katie looked up at me from under my arm.
“Tarzania, what were you going to tell me earlier?” Katie Ann asked patiently.
“I was going to say that you are my little baby sister!!” Katie Ann just looked at me.
“Are you serious?” She finally asked.
“Yes!!” I replied. Katie Ann had one of the biggest smiles on her face I have ever seen!! I would hate to tell her that we are about to hit the ground so hard that it could kill both of us. Right than was when it happened! Right when everyone was so happy! Everyone was smiling, enjoying the moment. My foot touched the ground, and I didn't die. My foot just simply touched the ground. I was surprised! I thought I was going to die or Katie Ann was going to die but we were both still alive and breathing!
“Are you okay?” I asked Katie Ann
“Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?”
“As far as I... know...”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah I'll be fine. You can go back home, I'll be right there.”
“Okay but don't be too late. You know how Miss Ray is.” Katie Ann said in a joking voice.
“Okay...” I said in a distance voice. The weird feeling in my body kept me in the distance. It felt as if I was going to explode. Or as if something was going to explode under me and rip me to pieces. As if I was dying faster and faster, but all the sudden it went away. Now I felt dead, like someone stole the life out of me. Maybe this was the end. Maybe I was only meant to go this far. All my powers were gone. Everything I ever owned was gone. I had already lost my parents, but why did I have to lose my soul. The whole time I was thinking I wasn't noticing that my body was starting to look like a jet. My hands and legs were absolutely straight. Now what was happening? I felt a bubble in my chest, than a jerk in my feet. Before I knew it I was exploding through the sky. Going here and going there. The unfairness of not have any control of where I was going. Maybe it was my thoughts that were leading me into the outside world. When I thought that everything was going to be okay and I wasn’t going to hit the outside world, I hit it and that’s when it hit me. I was in something that came to me from outer-space. Outer-space, a place where you lose everything. As I was thinking, the air was getting thicker and thicker almost as if I was suffocating. I know now that this was the end. The only good thing is that Katie Ann knows she's my little sister. I have to leave her though. I don’t have a choice to stay alive. Even though I didn’t get to find my parents, I got to know one of the most important people in my life. Katie Ann. As I go to take my last breath I see two people under me. A lady and a guy. The guy looked almost exactly like me and the lady looked exactly like Katie Ann. It hit me. I found them. 

The author's comments:

This piece is just an adventure-action piece that i wrote for languge arts class.

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