The Fight | Teen Ink

The Fight

October 9, 2015
By baller1234567890 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
baller1234567890 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

11 September 2015        The Fight
  As you walk out of your main lobby doors of your apartment and you can hear the buzzing and beeping of the cars on the main roads. The chilly breeze is relaxing. You’re not tense. You feel safe. The best heroes live in your city. They live in the back of a Sub Shop. They sell sub sandwiches by day and fight crime by night!!! Both of their parents were harshly murdered by the criminal mastermind Mabel. Ever since Mable did this to their parents Barbie and Cobra are determined to find Mabel and kill her and put her in jail. Barbie comes from a history of violence with her parents they beat her! Barbie’s parents also were criminals; they murdered people, stole from people, and scammed people.  Cobra comes from a totally different background. He comes from a very rich family that always treated him nicely and got him anything he asked for. I can see why Barbie’s parents were murdered because they were criminals but Cobra’s parents on the other hand shouldn’t been murdered. But Mabel didn’t care, she was just on a rampage to kill.
Cobra and Barbie come out of there Sub Shop after a long day at work looking to stop the crime in Waverly Place. But on a route they knew there was a lot of crimes that went on in that alley, they saw a mysterious person high up on one of the tallest buildings was who they thought was Mabel but they had no clue why she would come back to Waverly Place. They try to run and fly to her but she just disappeared into the night sky like she wasn’t even there. Cobra and Barbie take a couple days thinking about that one night in that alley when they saw their parents' killer. Cobra was crazy, he just wanted to go out there and find her and kill her. But Barbie wouldn’t let him do that she told him if he went out there she would find him and kill him, just like his parents. While Cobra and Barbie were searching and searching for Mabel, Mabel was long gone in her own island called Gravity Falls. There Mabel was planning how she was going to kill Cobra and Barbie. She needs a way for Cobra and Barbie to get to Gravity Falls where she could kill them and not draw too much attention to her self. She made a mistake when she killed Cobra and Barbie’s parents. She killed them right in front of their sub shop in Waverly Place.
Back in Waverly Place, Cobra and Barbie are working hard to find Mabel but everything they do to find her has come up empty. They have traveled the entire globe looking for the criminal mastermind Mabel. After months of searching they came up empty every time. Cobra and Barbie give up for now, and they go back to fighting crime in Waverly Place, hoping that Mabel would show up again. But after mainly scooping up every criminal on the streets of Waverly Place Cobra and Mabel give up. Now their nights that used to be full of gusto now are in the sub shop watching tv and playing cards.
              While Corba and Barbie are not fighting crime in the streets of Waverly Place, Mabel has been watching them closely. Wondering how she could get them to Gravity Falls. She thinks of several was to do it but none of them would work without her getting caught by Cobra and Barbie.
            Back at Waverly Place Cobra is getting bored  of just doing nothing during the night, so Cobra decided that he would sneak out of the sub shop at night. Cobra does this for severely days. One day when Cobra tries to sneak out of the sub shop Barbie is on a late night walk and while he is running down the street he runs right into Barbie and knocks her to the ground! He runs as fast as possible to get away but he trips on a can and falls on his face. Barbie runs up to him puts her foot on his face and asked “how does the ground taste.” Cobra gets up from the ground trying to explain himself to Barbie but Barbie doesn't care one bit! She stomps away is disappointment.
           Mabel sees Cobra and Barbies fight as a way to get them to Gravity Falls. She thinks if she could get into the sub shop freezer she could create a portal to Gravity Falls. She thinks that while Cobra is over at Barbie's house trying to apologize to Barbie she could plant the portal. Later that night Cobra goes over to Barbie's house to apologize just like Mabel thought! While Cobra was apologizing to Barbie Mabel sneaks in the the sub shop, goes in the back where the freezer is, and plants her portal in the freezer by the lunch meat were Cobra and Barbie could see it.
           Cobra is on his way over to apologize to Barbie for what he did for the eighth time. On his way over he sees a object swinging between the skyscrapers in Waverly Place. He wonders if that is the evil mastermind Mabel. He thinks about it for a little bit but thinks why would she come back after the close encounter they had last time she showed up and got spotted in a skyscraper. So he continues down the road to Barbie's place which is just a couple blocks down the street from the sub shop. He finally gets to her place. He's gone over his apologize speech in his head several times he  has it memorized. Barbie comes to the door looking disgusted. When she finds out it was her partner Cobra, she slams the door in his face and “yells get out.” But Cobra just keeps on trying he isn't going away until she comes to the door he “yells to Barbie!” She finally comes to the door Cobra prepares to give his speech but Barbie stops him in the middle of and says I forgive you! Cobra like I made this speech for nothing! Barbie's like do you want me to “I forgive you our not?” He goes yeah definitely! So Cobra and Mabel go on a walk around the town for some ice cream and a movie. After the night on the town Cobra walks Barbie home then heads home. The next morning is a work day so Barbie opens the shop Cobra meets her down there to open. When Cobra is getting the lunch meat out he notices this portal thing by the lunch meat he yells to Barbie, Barbie comes to the freezer and finds the portal. There’s a moment of silence then Cobra says it could be a sign from Mabel like go through this and find me on the other side.  Barbie thinks it’s but it could be possible.
          So they wait a couple does they don’t say anything about the portal thing. During a break in the sub shop Cobra brings it up again and says i think we should go through it and find out if our parent killer is behind it. Barbie thinks that’s a bad idea at first but then thinks if we do this it would end our pain that we lived with for a long time knowing that our parents killer is out there probably killing more people. So Barbie says we go through that portal tomorrow. Cobra is pumped he goes upstairs to get  his gear to fight this battle.
       That night Cobra can’t fall asleep so gets out of bed and goes to his suit and starts to sharpen his weapons. That morning Barbie comes over all suited up and so is Cobra they lock the sub shop up then head to the freezer to enter the portal thing. They jump right through it they show up a this island in the middle of the ocean. Then they see this person come down from a tree and say we meet again Cobra and Barbie. Cobra right now is ticked he yells at Mabel in anger Barbie comes him down a little. Mabel shows them their parents body they both get super angry and start to attack mabel with all force but Mabel fly’s away but Cobra flys to her and starts a fist fight. Then Barbie shows up to help she goes on this high leg and jumps and right on Mabel Cobra yells we have her but Mabel  gets away. Dang it Cobra yells. They start to fight Cobra thinks he could kill her with his venom from his weapons but Barbie wants to put her in jail! But Cobra doesn’t care he push her right off this leg and she lands on the ground dead. Cobra yells we did it we did Barbie!
        The next they travel through the portal back to the sub shop where they meet a man with a lot of power in the Special Agent Co. He wants Cobra and Barbie to come work for his company!Cobra and Barbie think about but end up taking the job for the agency. Living there old life behind.


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