Powers - The Begining - Part 1 | Teen Ink

Powers - The Begining - Part 1

October 15, 2015
By john48 BRONZE, Waco, Texas
john48 BRONZE, Waco, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  I woke up on a large field, and as my eyes adjusted to the dark I realized that I was in a baseball field. Which was kind of weird because I was just at my house so I figured I was dreaming but I don’t remember to bed but what else could it be. Then a tall man with a lanky figure appeared from nowhere and in a deep voice said “This is not a dream.” And he said it with a really annoyed look on his face.

  He was a part of my dream and I can usually control what happens in my dreams so I tried to make him a happier person but nothing happened. The man said “I need your name and age, don’t waste my time.” And the way he said it was unnatural slowly deepening as he spoke. I was a little confused why he needed my name if it was a dream but I couldn’t help but tell him that I was “Jason Newburn, and I’m 14 who are you?” He just stared at me like I was an idiot and stated “It is no matter of yours, what is power you desire?” I stood there like an idiot and he looked at me like I was one as I said “like a superpower?” He responded with “If you wished to think of it that way sure. I will give you time to think call out when you’re done.” Then in the blink of an eye he was gone.

  I am a geek so even if this is a dream I was still thinking of what powers I would actually want. I thought of a lot of powers some of them were ones like super speed and strength, freezing time, telekinesis and telepathy, flying, invisibility, and a lot more but I finally decided on one. I called out and I didn’t really know what to say so I yelled “Hey but head I’m ready!” And as if by magic he reappeared. He said “Oh you.” Like he had forgotten about me in that short period of time, I tried my best to ignore that and told him about my power and I tried my best not to sound too c***y about it. The man stood there for a long time and I got bored so I came up with a name for him I called him Mathew. Then he said “I’m done.” I was going to ask him what he finished but he was gone again. Then I passed out and the dream I had was one of those dreams were you got chased by monsters and got the girl and kind of like a movie in my head.

  When I woke up my vision was a blur like there was a thin layer of plastic over my eyes. When I finally blinked it away I decided to sit up but my entire body started to scream at me. I waited for the pain to settle and took a look around the room and I could immediately tell it was a hospital it had white walls, floor, and ceiling and there was only one door. There was also one of those machines that tells your vital signs.

  At this point I stood up and another set of pain shot through my body like acid was going through my veins I looked down and my hands looked like a burnt turkey. I started to think crazy things like maybe the dream I had last night was real but that was impossible. After a while I sat back down I wish I had a power like the power to regenerate and after a while I felt a weird tingle through my body but I didn’t think much of it. I also realized I was wearing one of those hospital gown that let everything hang. I was really wishing I could teleport home now that was a super power I could use. A couple seconds later I woke up no burns and I was home but the weird part was I was wearing a hospital gown.

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