Wolf princess | Teen Ink

Wolf princess

October 20, 2015
By Whitewolf360 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Whitewolf360 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I open my eyes and look into the face of my enemy, Elisa. Adrenaline rushes through my body. I leap up from my bed,and  I look around for something to use to get her down on the ground. The only thing I could find was my desk so I reached my leg out and kicked her feet from under her. She looks up at me from the floor and says, “You know you can’t beat me.”
I look her in the face and say “I used to think that to but it looks like I have.”
“No you haven’t. All you did was knock me down.”
Oh sorry. I forgot you don’t know what happened so let me start from the beginning. My name is Rose Hathaway, I have long dark hair and green eyes that go yellow when I’m mad and bright green when I’m happy, my boyfriend’s name is Dimitri Belikov and  I’m about to find out that I’m a lot more special than I thought. My mom’s name is Melody Hathaway and I don’t know my dad. I am a Wolfblood or what you guys call a werewolf, and today is my birthday.
Ring ring “Hello?”
“Oh hey Lissa,” I say into the phone. “What’s up?” 
“Happy Birthday, Rose!”
“Thanks Lis, I’m officially 16, yay!!!”
“Yay, Do you want to go to a party with me PLEASE”
“Where and whose?”
“I don’t know. They just said to both of us there, so suck it up, put on a dress and get your butt over here.”
“You know I don’t wear dresses.”
“Well, I have a short black one over here for you so get over here, NOW”
Ok, let me explain something. The reason she said that is because I hate wearing dresses and she knows that the only way I will wear one is if it’s black because that’s my favorite color.
“Your bossy do you know that?”
“Yeah, now get over here.”
“Ok ok I’m coming.”
Ten minutes later I pull up into my best friend’s house. It’s a white house with a HUGE yard and a lot of animals, so basically a farm. Ok, so let me tell you a little about my best friend. Her name is Lissa Dragomir and we have been best friends since as long as I can remember. She has long blond curls and emerald green eyes. Her boyfriend’s name is Christian Ozera.
I hike up to the door and I don’t even knock then again I never do when I come over here, it’s like a second home.
“Hey I’m here weirdo.”
“Sup, birthday girl?”
“Yeah, thanks. When does the party start?”
“It already started, so come on lets go get dressed.”
I follow her up the stairs into her bedroom and she disappears around the corner into her walk in closet. She appears with a mid-thigh black strapless dress. I get dressed and so does Lissa she’s wearing a knee length, one strap pink dress. She drags me into the bathroom, sets me down on the side of the tub,“Stay,” she tells me.
“Wolf,” I joke but I didn’t know how appropriate that was going to be that night.
Lissa appears again with her makeup case.
“Grrrr, fine.”She walks up with her makeup and opens it up.
“Head up and close your eyes please”
I close my eyes and I feel her lightly brush the eyeshadow on and suddenly she stops.  I slightly open my eyes to see what happened but it turns out she was getting a different brush and putting blush on it. “I’m opening my eyes now.”
“Ok, but don’t look in the mirror.”
“Ok,” I open my eyes the rest of the way. She starts brushing the blush on." Do you want pink or red lip gloss."
"Red please," she slides the lip gloss over my lips.
"Do you want me to do yours?"
"Sure, but no black"
"Fine." I pick up the makeup brush, brush it in the pink, and lightly brush it over her eyes.With Lissa you want to do really light colors because her skin is really white( like a vampire.)
I pick the pink lip gloss up and put it on her
"Come on you’re ready. Let's both look at the same time. 1,2,3"
We turn around and gasp. I have white eyeshadow, red lip gloss and the blush makes my cheek pop.
"Ok, let's go"
Fifteen minutes later we drive up a long narrow driveway. We pull up and park. We are about ready to get out when someone opens the doors. "Thank you," Lissa and I say at the same time
We walk up the stone steps and knock on the door. "Hello!"
"Um, hi. Lissa Dragomir and Rose Hathaway."
"Ok, came on in." We walk in the house. Hundreds of people were in there talking and dancing.
"Baby!" Lissa screams scaring me out of my thought. She runs over to Christian and throws her arms around him in a hug. I trudge over there. "Stop screaming would you? "
"Oh, sorry"
"Hey, Christian."
"Is Dimitri here????"
"Yeah.Hold on. I'll go get him."
"Thanks." He leaves and about five minutes later he's back with my boyfriend."
Let me tell you a little bit about Dimitri. He is my boyfriend. He was born and raised in Russia, so he has a adorable Russian accent. His family still lives in Russia.
"Hey, baby," I say walking over to him.
"Hey, You look beautiful."
" Thanks and don't act so surprised. Gosh," I joke
A few of our other friends show up and for about two hours we just stand around talking.
"Do you want to get something to drink?" Dimitri yells over all the noise
"Yeah,please." We dodge around the crowd over to the bar.
"Two waters please." The bartender comes back a few minutes later with two waters.
"Thanks." We walk back to our friends. For about three more hours we dance and talk. Around about midnight we are about ready to leave and two girls walk up, and I recognize one instantly.  Her name is Elisa and we HATE each other. My friends start to lunge at her " Stop guys this is my fight, back down." My friends look at me and stand up. I lunge at her and she falls to the ground. We wrestle on the ground for about five minutes and she finally gets me to the ground. I struggle against her but she puts all her weight on me to hold me down. She draws her fists back and I know what's going to happen so I scream out to my friends. "Don't come look for me, this is my fight." Her fist connect with my face and everything goes black.
I wake up dizzy in the back of a van and I know it's Elisa's. I grab for my phone surprised that she didn't think to take it and text my pack. I tell them to go to Elisa's house but not to attack till I tell them. You see I'm a Wolfblood, or better know as a werewolf but it's Wolfblood. My pack is the people I know I can trust and will always have my back, like my best friends but they aren't coming just my Wolfblood pack. I try to sit up but I'm to dizzy, so I go back to sleep. I open my eyes and look into the face of my enemy, Elisa. Adrenaline rushes through my body. I leap up from my bed I look around for something to use to get her down on the ground. The only thing I could find was a desk so I reached my leg out and kicked her feet from under her. She looks up at me from the floor and says “You know you can’t beat me.”
I look her in the face and say “I used to think that to but it looks like I have.”
“No you haven’t. All you did was knock me down.”
“Now.” My pack runs into the room (in wolf form of course) they each weigh about 120 pounds so they put their paws on Elisa to hold her down and I go into wolf form. I'm a pure white wolf with black on the tips of my ears and tail. I'm the pack leader's daughter  so they do what I tell them. "Jake go get something from somewhere to hold her down but remember to go human form." Jake takes his paw of Elisa and stands up, he tells his body to calm and go into human form. He stand again but this time as a human. He trots out the door and I turn back to the rest of the pack and Elisa. She is trying to sit up but I take my paw and press the against her body pressing her against the ground. I stand there holding her against the ground for about ten minutes later Jake come walking into the room with a long thick metal chain." I transform into human form again and take the chain "get off for a minute please." The pack gets up and Elisa tries to stand but I grab her and throw her on the bed. I take the chains and put one on each of her feet then the other end to the bed and chain her hands to the top of the bed. I call the pack leader ( my dad ) and he takes Elisa to our basement. It has steel and cement walls and floors and ceilings so she isn't getting out anytime soon.

The author's comments:

I love wolves. They are my favorite animals

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