The Change | Teen Ink

The Change

October 28, 2015
By Emmanuel.Vaughn BRONZE, Cleveland Hieghts, Ohio
Emmanuel.Vaughn BRONZE, Cleveland Hieghts, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

             The Change
  (johnny) No Stop! Please Don’t! I won’t let you. You People are so heartless. Do you know how much pain you’re causing them? Obviously you don’t. This is sick. You people are sick.

(soldier)  Lil’ boy, what are you doing? You’re being stupid. Who do you think you are? Go home before I get your parents.

(johnny)  No I’m not going home until I say what’s on my mind. You can threaten me and even beat me. But that will only show how much you don’t care. So I suggest you listen and not talk for once. Okay, my name is John Perry. When I was younger i couldn’t even think about doing something like this. It would not cross my mind once. But I had this dream. A dream that everyone was united. That everyone loved each other. That everyone respected each other. That no one judged anybody by the pigment of their skin, or what their religion was. I’ve watched some of the most nasty, horrific beatings in the world. Beatings that my own parents did upon their slaves. It was……

(pedestrian)  Hey why are we listening to a lil’ boy preach? He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He just thinks it’s wrong. And so what. Doesn’t matter.

(johnny)  I do know what I’m talking about. I do know what’s right. I do know what I am made for. For once I will actually make a difference. I won’t be a mistake. And I will never stop trying. Trying to change this vile world we’re living in. You people don’t know what you’re doing. These are living people.

(soldier) Alright if you want to stand with them, then you can die with them.

(mother) Johnny! Johnny no! Please don’t hurt him. He’s just a boy. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. Please forgive him. This will never happen again. I promise.

(soldier) Alright. But if he comes between a whipping again, I won’t hold back. I’ll strike him.

  (mother)Thank you. Thank you so much. We promise.

(johnny)Everyone put your hands up! Don’t move. Ma’am, tell your son to put the gun down, or we will shoot.

  (mother) John….. John. Can you please put the gun down? You don’t know how much trouble you’re causing. If you want to be a good boy, put the gun down. Please hunny. Put the gun down.

  (soldier) There are more men coming. (whispered)

  (johnny) No! No mom! No more will I stay down. No more will I take commands from someone else. Not one more time. There is going to be a change. There’s going to be love.  And not the fake love. Real love. There are many people like me that will never stop. Never stop going against the capital. This is going to be the point when you guy’s will actually be scared. From this point, call me….. Johnny Man. My name will be on everything along with my picture.

  (Soldier) Oh silly boy. You think you can change something this big. Especially going against the capital. You will not survive one more day. This is life boy.

(johnny) No! Not one more day. Not one more second. Remember me by this. Remember that I am not messing around. (shoots gun)


(mother shot-(mother talking to herself) Ugh. Johnny run. Run johnny. Make it out. Don’t stop. Keep running. I have taught you well. Your father and I have done our parts. Now you do yours. I believe you. Your father and I will be watching over you. You can do it…..

(Johnny Running) I won’t let you down mom. I won’t let the capital win. You too, dad. From this day on, the people will win.

(soldier) Where’s the boy? Find him. The capital can not find out about him. We will all pay for this.

The author's comments:

I love books about rebels. like hunger games, divergent, insurgent, etc.... iv'e always had a love for those type of books.

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