An Adventurous Day | Teen Ink

An Adventurous Day

October 25, 2015
By DeoDoe BRONZE, Houston, Texas
DeoDoe BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a chilly morning in the village of Sumai. I went around the village saying good morning to all I see. Everyone was spreading rumors about this castle with this UGO (Unidentified Gaming Object). I asked some villagers to see if the rumors were true and they said yes, so I asked for directions as they knew where it the castle was. The villagers gave me the directions and thought that I was crazy for asking them. They also gave me warnings. After they gave me the warning, I went on my way to the castle. It was a good thing I am a blacksmith. I made my armor and a really strong but light sword.
The first place is the enchanted forest it sounds really cool, but there are two types of enemies. There are goblins and trolls who do not get along, but they dislike humans. As I made my way to the enchanted forest, I saw the goblins first so I decided to fight them and I did. After all the goblins were gone, I started to attack the trolls and I won the battle. I heard this loud roar and I looked above to see what was going on, it turned out to be a gigantic black dragon with golden eyes. I am glad the dragon didn’t see me.
The next and last stop was an old golden bridge. I stepped on it and I almost fell through a hole. After I crossed the bridge, a giant, dark, oak door appeared, so I went inside and I was in the castle. I looked around and saw the UGO and a picture of the queen and the king. I went closer to the UGO and saw that the king had a seventy-two inch TV, I could not believe what I was seeing. I turned on the UGO and started to play GTA: Castle Edition. I was taking people’s unicorns for transportation. The king came to ask me, “Are you interested in playing ‘Call of Dragons’?” I told him yes. We played C.O.D together until it was time me to leave.
The queen happened to join us later and she was amazing. I left the castle telling the king that I would be back. He told me goodbye and continued to smile. When I arrived back at the village, everyone was shocked to see me. I told them all about my adventure.

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